The First

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18+ MDNI

cw: dominant themes, oral!fem!receive, unprotected sex, cream pie, non con video recording, praise, mild ddlg, fingering, gagging(reader's panties), tasting one's fluids, semi public sex(idk there's a risk of getting caught lmao)

Han stood in front of you with his arms crossed. You had just finished helping the band film another vlog on Jeju Island.
"Jisung, not now. Can't this wait until we get home?' You asked, trying to keep your composure "Let's just deal with this now." He insisted "We keep arguing over such small things these days. I can't even keep track of how many arguments we've had in the last two weeks." You said, trying to hold your emotions in. "I can't keep doing this." You finished in almost a whisper. Jisung's arms fell. "Then why are we together?" His voice became hoarse. You looked around at the scenery around you. The night was cool and the lights from the Airbnb were dim but enough that you could see he look of sadness on your boyfriend's face. You both stood on the patio in silence with nothing but the gentle breeze blowing. "Jisung.." You tried "Forget it, (y/n)." Your eyes widened "Jisung, don't be like that." "No. You clearly don't care anymore. We're done." He stated angrily. Before you could even reason with him he began to walk away without turning around. You inhaled deeply, shaking your head. You didn't have it in you to chase after him again. Han made his way inside without another word. You sat down on a lounge chair trying to piece together what happened. You leaned back and laid down into the chair with a sigh. Why did he always have to be so emotional about everything? You shut your eyes and let the chilly breeze take you away....

"You'll get sick, sleeping outside like this." A familiar voice cooed. Your eyes opened to see a figure standing above you. "Hm?" You peeped, trying to adjust to your surroundings. Your eyes adjusted to see Bang Chan watching you. "Jesus!" you shot up in a blur. He laughed at the sight of you scrambling "So now you just watch people sleep?" You let out, attempting to fix your bedhead. He chuckled lightly. A brief silence fell as you gathered your thoughts, he sat down on the chair beside yours "You okay?" he leaned in. "Yeah, I guess." You exhaled, remembering your relationship had ended. You shook your head lightly as if trying to get the memory out of your head. "What are you doing out here?" You turned back to question him. "I heard Han and Minho talking with each other about it. You hadn't come back so everyone else was getting a little worried so I thought I should check on you." His hands clasped together, shrugging his shoulders. A faint smile came across your mouth "Thanks." "So it's really over between you two?" He questioned, looking up at you slowly. You nodded your head, your lips pressing together. Honestly, you weren't even too hurt about it. You and Jisung were just too different, the only time you didn't argue when was when you were having sex. It really was for the best but man, were you ever going to miss the sex. Just thinking about it sent out a visible shiver that caught Chan's attention. "Oh, you must be cold." He said removing his hoodie and placing around you without a second to spare. "O-oh." You let out feeling the warmth of the hoodie around you, breathing in such a comforting smell. You never realized just how nice Chan smelled before. Your eyes met briefly for a moment and the energy suddenly shifted. Time slowed for a moment and all you could feel was the warmth filling your cheeks. You looked away immediately. Chan smiled to himself. "Should we head back inside?" He cleared his throat, standing up holding his hand out to meet yours. You smiled taking his hand in assistance to help you up.

It wasn't until you came inside that you realized just how late it was. Entering into the kitchen you saw the stove read 12:23am, everyone had already turned in for the night. "Ah shit." You whispered "I'm sorry I kept you up this late." You turned to Chan sighing. He placed his hands on your shoulders "It's okay, I'm going to make some tea. Sit." He lightly directed you to a seat around the kitchen island. He was always taking care of the boys, the last person he should be worrying about is you. You stood up and made your way to the other side trying to take over. "No, it's okay. Let me, Chan." You slipped between him and the counter where the kettle was reaching your hand out to grab it but was stopped at the feeling of his chest against your back. You froze for a moment, the only part of you moving was your head turning. All you could feel was Chan's chest gently rising and falling, all you could hear was his gentle breath tickling your neck. He leaned forward, placing one hand on the arm you had reaching for the kettle and the other of the other side of you blocking you in his space. Your breath quickened feeling his touch. "What are-" you tried "Shh" he shushed you. What was happening? How was this happening? "I'm sorry (y/n). I just.." with that he spun you to face him. Your eyes met and an ocean of heat overcame you. What were you doing? You shouldn't be doing this!

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