Mile High

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"Ugh.." You groaned against the pillow after hearing your alarm go off.

You coughed, feeling the soreness in your throat. You reached over to grab the glass of water on the nightstand. Taking small sips, being careful not to swallow too hard. Your escapade from last night replaying in your mind, causing your skin to raise small goosebumps. You hadn't fully wrapped your head around what had happened with Chan let alone Minho.

Your thoughts were disrupted by a knock at the door. "Eh?" You squeaked, quickly draped a robe over your naked body before shuffling to the door. "Yes?" You answered opening the door. To your surprise there was no one but a tray on the floor caught your eye. You sank down to pick it up, upon examination you saw the bowl of oatmeal matched with fresh ripe strawberries, with a cup of steaming tea that leaked the smell of honey and lemon, followed by a folded note with a small bag taped to it.

Setting the tray down you opened the note


take it easy today. hope this helps until the next time i get to destroy you. :)


You peeled the bag that was taped to the note looking at the label "Echinacea & Honey Throat Lozenges" You stifled a laugh "Minho, manages to make a kind gesture a horny one." You ate your breakfast carefully and enjoyed the soothing elements of the tea before getting on with the rest of your routine and heading out.

Today's schedule wasn't too difficult. It was just filming the boys go-karting and eating afterwards. Still, it was work. You greeted everyone good morning and made a request to the PA to fetch some more of the honey lemon tea you had this morning at the courtesy of Minho. "Everyone ready to head out?" You called out "Yeah!" Piling out into the driveway to settle into your vehicles, you were too focused on the written plan you were reading to notice where you were going. "Ah!" You grunted, bumping into someone. You looked up to meet a familiar face.

"Oh.. Jisung. Sorry." You tried to moved past him "(y/n)." He began "Are you..? I mean, how are-" "Han! Hurry up, before we leave you behind again." Changbin shouted from the car. You could see he wanted to try making amends but it was too soon. He was just going through what he calls "(y/n) withdrawals". He mentioned this the last time you broke up which was a short lived separation due to the fact you both didn't know better.

Inhaling sharply, you moved past him to the team car. He watched you walk away before making his way to his vehicle. "Ma'am, are you okay?" The PA asked from the backseat as you took your place in the front seat. "Mm. Just a little tired. Did you manage to get your hands on that tea?" You switched the subject, as it was too complicated to indulge in. "Ah! Here!" She chimed, passing you a travel mug. "Thank you." You appreciated before the car pulled out and away.

Everything was going according to plan, watching the boys zoom around the track to peacefully enjoyed the last filmed meal and the final shot at the sea's edge. "That's a wrap for today everyone! Thank you for your hard work, please enjoy your day off tomorrow and remember that we're leaving earlier than expected. Our flight leaves at 6pm. Please don't be late." You announced. Taking your leave you decided to find some peace back at the Airbnb by the pool.

You sprawled out onto a poolside bed, watched the trees dance on the dark skyline illuminated by the glow of the stars. The quiet was so calming for the rampant thoughts that had been flooding your mind. "Mm." You sighed shutting your eyes for a brief moment "Ding-Dong" A familiar voice echoed making your eyes fly open. Sitting up you saw all the boys gathered around your chair "Oh!" You squeaked. "Noona, we're not bothering you are we?" Felix stepped forward "Hm! No! I was just thinking about what to do next." You weakly smiled "Great! We'll we're going to celebrate you in?" Changbin gleamed. You did your best to hide your distain. "Yeah.. Yeah!" You shook your head "Let's go!" The boys cheered as you stood up to follow them.

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