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Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of your phone's alarm. Inhaling deeply, looking at the ceiling, you recalled the night before." God. What did I do?" you audibly grumbled, sitting up. Luckily today was supposed to be a pretty simple day. The boys were going to be cooking...


in the kitchen you got fucked silly in last night.

"Ugh!" You fell back into your bed, shaking your head. How were you going to face Chan today.

Oh, God.

How were you going to face Jisung?

"No one knows." you lightly slapped your face. "No one knows."

You finally got yourself together and ready. Walking through the hallways of the house you made it to the stairs and peered down to see most of the boys in the kitchen already. Inhaling deeply, you felt a hand touch your shoulder. "Hey." Chan smiled at you. "Hey." You blushed. His big grin continued as he made his way down. Taking another breath you followed his lead.

"Good morning!" the boys chimed "Morning." You politely reciprocated. "Are we ready to go?" You asked your coproducer "Ready!"

The filming began and all was running smoothly, everyone was enjoying themselves. Chan smiled at you a few times causing you to blush quietly from behind the camera. Your stolen looks were interrupted when you caught Jisung staring at you. Your smile faded, you swallowed deeply seeing the expression on his face. You looked away from him and pretended to be preoccupied with something on the equipment.

Before you knew it, filming had wrapped. Letting out a sign of relief the boys came except for Jisung came to check on you. "Feeling okay?" I.N waddled over "Yes, just a little tired." You weakly smiled "How about some iced tea?!" Felix chimed in, everyone chattering in agreement "Mm, sounds great. Thank you." You stood up from your chair and walked towards the kitchen in front of you. "Late night?" Minho peered from behind you, almost startling you "Oh." He stood in front of you "Ah, I guess. Just did some plan reading for today last night, I lost track of time." You knew you were lying. The truth was was, you were being fucked on this very counter. "Interesting.." He began, looking at you intently. You were confused at his tone. "Hm?" You quietly let out. He leaned forward, playing it off as a stretch "I think those tell a different story." He pulled away turning his head downward to his left, pretending to stretch his neck, his eyes following. "Huh?" Your brows furrowed trying to follow his direction. You gaze met the floor and...

oh no.

There subtly tucked between the island and the garbage bin, was a white lacy fabric you recognized. Your eyes widened and your face flushed with heat. You looked back at Minho in embarrassment, however his demeanour was that of a sly fox. You looked back at your panties and noticed Jisung moving towards the bin. Fuck. Desperate, you pleaded with your eyes to Minho to do something, anything. He smirked, suddenly turning away "Haaaanniiee~" he sang, stumbling towards him, landing himself in his arms. "Hyung?" He questioned as he kept pushing himself deeper into him to push him away from the bin. You moved quickly, wasting no time. You snatched those panties like a thief, hurriedly shoving them into your pocket. "Noona" A voice called from behind you "Eh!" You squeaked turning to see Felix hold a pitcher of iced tea. "O-oh" You stepped towards him as he happily poured you a glass. "Thank you." You gulped the drink down nervously, seeing Minho come back with a dark smile on his face.

Maybe that was it. Maybe he only knew about the panties and nothing else. Your legs dangled into the pool, the sun setting in front of you. You leaned back trying to relax. The doors of the house opened and out came some of the boys, laughing and playing with each other. "Oh!" Changbin exclaimed "Noona!" Hyunjin sped ahead of the others, sitting himself beside you. "Feeling better?" He asked leaning his head to the side, Changbin and Seungmin approached, anticipating your answer. "Yes, thanks. Just a long couple days." You breathed "... We heard about you and Jisung Hyung." Seungmin began but was stopped but Changbin nudging him "It's okay, we won't pry." He filled "It's okay." You responded "Is he okay?" You asked to all three of them. "I think so. He's... well you know. He's Jisung" Hyunjin answered. "You'll keep an eye on him for me?" You asked them, they all nodded.

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