Dreams Really Do Come True

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"I'm going to make you cum seven times, look at them one by one. They need to know who exactly you fucking belong to."

The week flew by and it was already Friday. The Friday. You nervously fidgeted with things on your office desk, anything to take any tension away from the evening you were going to have.

Minho explained the plan to everyone, Jisung's ultimate fantasy. You had some doubts that it was going to work, how could anyone get off to this? Then again, your legs squeezed together and your heart rate picked up every time you thought of being watched by the boys while Jisung fucked you into the next dimension.

The thought of Jisung's body close to yours again, his lips, his hands, his cock buried deep inside you while he gives you his signature lust filled face. His brows would angle upwards, his mouth was parted to allow his animalistic pants through, his eyes turing a deep shade of brown while he watched his baby lose herself underneath him.

You shook your head and backed out of your desk, rolling your chair back and standing a stand. You walked over to the window and looked at the scene down below before spinning around and darting to your desk to check the time. It was only thirty minutes before you were off the clock. You couldn't stand to just sit still in your office, you impulsively decided to check on the boys and see what they were up to. Probably not the best idea as you were on the menu tonight and it would be like dangling a steak in front of a pack of hungry wild dogs but it was better than fading away in your office alone.

You opened the rehearsal room door to the boys running through a few dance routines. Minho noticed you in the reflection of the mirror and hid his smirk in his dance. You carefully stepped into the room trying to keep your presence minimal but with no success. You watched them all intently but your focus was on Jisung. His body moved effortlessly and you could feel yourself heating up. You didn't know what to expect tonight but all you knew was that this was five different kinds of crazy.

The music cut and the boys panted in relief. Realizing you were there they all gathered around to greet you, except for Jisung. He stood away taking a drink from a water bottle watching his band mates fawn over you. "Jisung!" Minho called "Let's have everyone over tonight, it's been a long week." Jisung shifted uncomfortably, it was a miracle he hadn't confronted Changbin about what he saw. He was hesitant about having everyone over but reluctantly agreed.

Everyone but Jisung knew what was going to happen tonight. Each of the boys were desperate to touch you again, to feel your delicate body tremble from their touches, to watch your face contort into an orgasmic masterpiece. "(y/n), can you come with me to the store to get some things?" Minho asked "Uh, yeah sure." You replied "We'll see you guys at home." Minho collected his things and began to head out the door with you.

The elevator ride was quiet, you stood quietly beside him. Making your way outside, the crisp night air brushed your face. Minho finally broke the silence as you walked down the street "Nervous?" "Yeah." You inhaled sharply "Is this really going to work?" Minho smiled and wrapped an arm around you "Absolutely." He stopped moving and his arm fell and wrapped around your waist, pulling you in close "You sure you can do this?" He asked looking into your eyes, your could feel yourself getting lost in his eyes that were perfectly framed by loose pieces of hair "Yes." He smirked and slightly leaned in "I always knew you were such a good girl." He praised, your stomach fluttered from his words. "You tell me if you want to stop." He became serious for a moment. It indeed was a very big thing to do and there was a lot at stake. You appreciated his concern, as sadistic as he was he always made sure to read signals and honour boundaries. "I will." You wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a quick peck on his lips to his surprise. He released you while trying to hide his flush cheeks. "Come on, let's go." You playfully punched his arm and walked ahead

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