(Rewriting) Chapter 6: Hail of Bullets

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Everything that's written here is subject to change, nothing is set in stone. Read at your own discretion as i'm currently in the middle of rewriting this chapter. Everything that's written above a line like this -> ========= <- Is the newer version, whats under it is the crude version i writted on a whim.

The rewrite will mostly contain a more detailed explenation/ visualisation of what's supposed to happen, with a few minor change's here and there to make it work better. I'm not saying you shouldn't read this part, just saying that in the near future it might end up changing... With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the story.


Rhodes Island was currently being pushed into a corner, now surrounded from every side, trapped like mice. All they could do was hold out, as they prepared a counterattack. Nowhere to go, nowhere to run, all they could do was stand their ground...

At least, that's what you thought and yet here you are. 

After the youthfull voice chimed in, Reunion's assault stopped as a whole. They had you guys right where they wanted you, and now they choose the time to do something like this?!

...This world is strange...

Crownslayer: ''Mephisto..?''

Mephisto: ''You have no reason to object right? Just a few insects who flew a bit to close to the light... are they realy worth your time?''

Mephisto said in a Friendly tone, before speaking once more ''My troops have already recieved your info. You have already done your part, All thats left for you to do is go home. After all, you're just responsible for the core energy section and its surroundings''

The two of them soon beginning to squabble like a pair of kid's who want play with each other's toys, you silently moved your way next to Ace, nudging him with your arm before whispering a suggestion to him.

Y/n: ''You see a way out? Cause i don't.''

To which Ace shook his head. Letting out a deep sigh, you knew you had to think of something fast, or thing's would go down the drain real quick.

''Dont do anything Unnecesary, i've got them rig-.'' Crownslayer began, before Mephisto cut her off again. ''You still have somewhere else to be, Dont you?'' He questioned, to which Crownslayer glared daggers into him, before turning away.''... Fine, have it your way, i cant wait to see you fail.'' She proclaimed in annoyance, with a wave of her hand, she ordered her troops to follow.

''We are leaving..''

 And just like that, at least half of them followed along with their leader. She turned around one last time, her red eyes glaring hatefully into your's. As if they were telling you 'Next time, you won't get off so easy'.

And with that, they were gone. 
Dissapearing in the large cloud of smoke behind, you were now left with half their original number's. 

Huh, talk about a stroke of luck i suppose...
You thought to yourself, as you scratched an itch on your right side. 

''Well, well, Please allow me to apologize on Crownslayer's behalf for her rudeness!'' He called out to you, before playfully bowing forward like a gentleman, all with a stupid smile on his face.

''You can call me, Mephisto''

Your hand instinctively drew back to 'Trust', a part of you just wanting to dome the guy before he could stir anymore trouble. Downside is, he was the main reason they haven't been overwhelmed right about now.

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