Chapter two

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April, 23, 2022

“How do I put this” I said and lit out my blunt by pushing it down on the couch armrest which earned me an eye roll from Peck

“When someone says “we need to talk” thats code for I’m breaking up with you” I told him which made his eyes go wide and his body go rigid

“What?” Kendrick said with a hitch in his voice

“Or I cheated on you, one of the two” I corrected myself

“No he’s not breaking up with me, we just spent like an hour making out he wouldn't do that if he planned on dumping me” Kendrick insisted

“Of course he would; People do that all the time” Peck told him as he hopped off the couch and walked to the kitchen

“Yeah, I’ve once had sex with a women then dumped them an hour later” I told him which made him horrified

“Why would he dump me? Things are great” Kendrick asked again as he hopped off the couch and started paced up and down

“Are you sure things are great?” Peck asked mixing a smoothie with that blended that I’ve dreamed about tossing out the window every single fucking day

“Yeah we see each other almost everyday; He comes her and we cuddling and I make him food; I thought I was being a good boyfriend” Kendrick said as he was still pacing

“That's it?” Peck asked drinking a smoothie that looked like actual shit with poppy seeds

“Yeah…why?” Kendrick asked standing still but was shaking like hell

“Sounds pretty boring” Peck sad with a shrug and kept drinking his shit in the cup

“Borning? Is that why he’s dumping me? I’m I borning?” Kendrick panticked and started pacing the floor again faster this time and breathing harder

“Dude don’t listen to him he lost his bitch to an gay guy, your not boring I promise” I told him which made him stop pacing and breathing so heavily but he was still shaking

“Should I call him?” He asked reaching for his phone

“No” I practically screamed the same time Peck did

Damn I hate agreeing with him

“Why?” He asked

“Calling asking him what your doing wrong makes you sound like a bitch” I told him

“Yeah I called Amiee like 20 times and sent her over 50 texts and all I got was blocked” Peck added

“And the shit beat out of him” I added receiving a glare from him but he was smart enough not to touch me knowing I would kill him the second the opportunity came up

“Okay what should I do? I really like him” he said staring at his phone

“Be cool, If you think your problem is that your boring do something different the tongue battling and eating food” I told him

“yeah…yeah…I need to throw up” Kendrick said and rushed to the bathroom and we heard him loudly gagging

“You know if he drank more water he wouldn’t be so stress” Peck said with a self rigorous grin

“I will kill you” I told him and went to my room

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