Chapter nine

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April, 23, 2022

Mateo was cleaning the kitchen while I set up the living room. Mateo wanted a classic sleepover; He wanted all of us to sleep in the living room, eat junk food, and play classic sleepover games.

So I had to move the table out of the way and reposition the couch.

When Mateo was done cleaning he started putting chips into bowls and placed them on the table which was moved to the side.

"The pizza will be here a bit later, Dad was so excited for me he order is pizza" Mateo said jumping a bit

He was so cute when he was excited

"Great Tagoe and Malcolm picking picking up Aimee, Lidia, and Penny, So they'll be here soon" I told him and ruffled his hair which made him stand straight up and made me laugh

"Kendrick and Damien should be here soon too, There also bring Joel" Mateo told me

"Great but no Peck right?"I asked again just to be sure

"I know you don't like me fighting but I will kick his ass if needed" I told him while I placed a hand on his shoulder

"I know" He said with a small smile rolling his eyes

"I told Kendrick not to bring him and I trust him" Mateo told me and tapped my nose

Before I can say anything else there was a knock at the door, I walked to open it and Tagoe and Malcolm walked in, Aimee walked in behind them, and Lidia walked in holding hands with Penny.

"Hey kid" I greeted her and shot her finger guns

Penny copy my actions which made me laugh

"Wow you guys weren't kidding we're really having a sleepover" Aimee giggled seeing the small snack table on the coffee table

"Yep I have tons of things we can do together" Mateo said and went into his room and came back with games, paper, and crayons

"I have tons of idea, Plus I'm also checking off a list thing I wanna do before I turn 25" Mateo said and grabbed the list

"Sounds like fun, What's first?" Tagoe asked as he sat down on the floor and we all joined him

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