Chapter eight

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April, 23, 2022

“Dude what the hell?” Damien asked me as he pulled his hand away from my grip

“Were going to a sleepover” I told him and simply

“Oh boy! Is your mom dropping us off or do you need my mom to do it?” Damien asked sarcastically with a fake kid accent

“I’m serious” I told him

“I know that’s the sad part” Damien said

“Mateo invited us and I’m bringing Joel and your coming too” I told him while texting Joel

“Why? I’m not fucking 13 I don’t want to have a sleepover with a bunch of guys” Damien told me

“Your doing this for me, I need you, Your like my buffer or something you’ll make talking easier for me” I explained to him

“Why I’m I even invited? I thought they didn’t like us?” Damien asked

“I don’t know but he did so your going, Do me this favor” I told him

“Your doing too much” Damien told him

“I’m the one doing too much?” I asked and got closer to him

“Was I ‘doing too much’ when you called me in pretending to be your dad so that you could buy a bottle of whisky for your 16th birthday?” I asked him while emphasizing the phrase “doing too much”

“That's not the-”

“Or was I doing too much when I drove to CVS to buy some girl you were sleeping with plan B, so ‘I was doing too much’ then?” I asked again putting more into the words I was repeating

“Woah, Woah, Woah why are you bringing up old shit” Damien asked me but I kept going

“And was I ‘doing too much’ when I bought your chlamydia prescription because your insurance wouldn’t cover it” I remind him again getting closer

“Bitch! We promise to never speak of that again” He growled at me

“Then start acting right” I told him

“Ride or die remember” I glared at him

Damien sighed defeated

“Fine, I’ll go to the sleepover” Damien moaned

“Good” I smiled and heard a ping from my phone

“There better be alcohol and bitches” Damien muttered and opened my door to leave

“Wait” I told him which made him stop

“Damn bitch what?” He asked me annoyed

“Don’t tell Peck he’s not invited” I told him

“No shit” He simply said and walked out

I grabbed my phone and saw Joel message

Joel(Boyfriend): Sleepover?” Like with other people?”

Me: Yeah just doing fun stuff together, nothing crazy

Joel(Boyfriend): Pfft okay cool, Pick me up at 5 from the bookstore


“I can do this” I breathed out and placed my phone down

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