Chapter seven

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Hello quick authors note so sorry that the timelines are a little different, I didn't notice it while I was editing that this chapter should have been more ahead so the time is going to be different, it will stay consistent in the next chapter.

You may now go back to your regular schedule reading

April, 23, 2022

“I got into a car accident” Delilah answered sounding reluctant to do so

“What? I…who hit you?” I asked stuttering out of shock

"Victor it's fine just some idiot kid driving like an asshole" She sighed and took a sip of her drink

"I was sitting with this big name author and another coworker; we all made it out alive but I broke my leg in like four places" Delilah told me as she rubbed her eyes

"So far I've had about 4 surgeries and next month I need another" She finished

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked now feeling guilty about my sarcasm in coldness

"I didn't think you wanted to talk to me and I was a little preoccupied dealing with physical therapy and having to switch to working from home since it was too painful to drive" She explained

"Oh" I said

Then there was a silence between us as if neither one of us knew what else to say.

"How did you know I spent Valentine's Day with someone else" I asked

I was shocked she didn't bring it up considering that's why we were meeting in the first place.

"I friend of mine works at the park" Delilah answered vaguely

"oh…Oh" I said changing my tone and widening my eyes when I realized what that meant

"Oh I um…" I stutterer then coughed feeling my throat become dry

"Yeah" She simply said

"You two aren't dating?" She asked me

"No" I quickly answered

"Are you two exclusive?" She me while rubbing her arms

"I…huh" I said but mostly to myself

I honestly didn't know the answer to that question; Dalma did say she didn't want a serious relationship but we still spent way more time with each other than two people just casually hooking up.

"I don't think so" I answered as honestly if I possibly could

"Hm well…um…I was hoping maybe we could start seeing each other again" She asked me and placed her hand on my hand which was lying on the table

"Oh like getting back together?" I asked but not moving away from her

"No we could just spend time together and see where it goes" She answered and rubbed my hand gently

"So you want to start over?" I asked

"Like being boyfriend and girlfriend again?" I asked making sure I understanding her correctly

"Yeah that's the idea" She smiled warmly

"I…I need some time to think about it" I told and pulled my hand away

"Okay sure" She nodded and we both stood up and walked to the door

I held the door open for her and that's when I really noticed her limp.

It wasn't too bad I'm sure in the beginning it was much worse but it was still really hard seeing her hurt.

We got into our separate cars and I watched her drive away

I started my car and headed home. When I got there and walked in I saw Vin on the floor eating ribs.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked annoyed

"Eating" He answered and I didn't have it in me to start an argument

"Whatever" I said and walked up to my room

Teenage Dream (College AU)-Friendly Get Together-Where stories live. Discover now