Chapter eleven

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April, 23, 2022

“Sup” Rufus said answering the door, I turned to see Damien, Kendrick, and Joel walk in

“Hey guys” I greeted them as I got up from the floor playing candyland with Malcom and Tagoe

“Oh god” I heard Damien say under his breath earned him an elbow jab in the side from Kendrick

“Wow this is actually kinda cute” Joel said looking around seeing the board games, blankets, food and candies

“Thanks for inviting us” Kendrick smiled and took Joel’s hand and walked him over to the couch

"Where is the alcohol?" Damien asked me looking around

"We don't have alcohol; None of us are enough to drink" I answered

"But we do have soda, juice, and water" I told him and pointed to the cooler

Damien closed his eyes and took a deep breath and walked away and sat down on the couch.

Rufus let out a small chuckle and closed the door and we sat back down on the floor together l.

"What are you guys playing?" Joel asked and he sat down on the floor with Kendrick

"Career catcher" Malcolm answered

"You pick a career and you have to solve every problem you face in the game with your knowledge your given on the career sheet" Aimee explained

"Oh my God" Damien muttered while rubbing his face annoyed

"Penny baby your turn" Lidia told her

Penny grabbed a card

"Oh that's a good one you got a dentist" Lidia said playing with her hair

"But momma I told you I wanted to be a pimp when I grow up" Aimee told her

"I told you to stop saying that" Lidia said embarrassed and Damien laughed behind us
"Damien wants to join us?" I asked

"No I really don’t” Damien answered not looking away from his phone

“Damien” Kendrick growled at him

“Ugh” He moaned and rolled off the couch and sat between Penny and Tagoe and grabbed a card

“I got plumber” He announced annoyed

“Great so now we all got our characters we can move on to the next sheet which will describe each problem we’ll face and then roll to see the effectiveness of the choice we made.

Everyone muttered excited as Damien rubbed his eyes and the tip of his nose

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