Chapter seventeen

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April, 23, 2022

Joel handed me a bottle of water he got from a vending machine.

I took a big sip, slung it around in my mouth and then spit it on the grass.

Joel was worried I was throwing up too much and would pass out so after I was done throwing up outside Mateo apartment.

He walked me down the stairs where I threw up again in a trash can and sat me down on a bench as he ran off to get me water.

"Feeling better?" He asked me rubbing my arm

"Yeah" I said feeling so embarrassed

I always throw up when I feel nervous and it's usually a lot and Joel seeing me like that doesn't didn't make it better.

"Does your stomach still hurt?" He asked me sweetly

"No I'm fine really" I said and turned to smile at him

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that" I apologized because I really didn't know what else to do

"You had a panic attack you don't have to apologize" Joel told me and scooted closer to me

I just smiled, he's so sweet

"So, not to put too much stress on you but what was Peck talking about?" Joel asked

"About our relationship being in the shit hole" He added

Oh great this conversation I was really hoping to avoid this

"Because…of what you said" I answered being vague hoping he wouldn't ask a follow up question

"What did I say?" He asked

"You said we needed to talk and…look I know we just been doing the same things over and over but if you think it's boring I can totally do something different" I said and stood up because I was feeling a familiar pain in my stomach and I'd rather vomit on the sidewalk instead of his legs

"I really like you and I didn't want you to break up with me so I invited you to this and-"

"Wait, Wait wait" Joel interrupting me to say

"Who said I was breaking up with you" Joel asked and stood up next to me

"You said 'we needed to talk' doesn't that usually mean breaking up" I asked him

"No, 'I said we needed to talk' because we needed to talk about something not because I wanted to break up with you" Joel explained

"Oh" I said and the feeling in my stomach started to fade away

"And your not boring, I like cuddling with you and watching a movie" Joel said and wrapped his arms around my neck to brought himself closer to me

"It was fun watching a reaction to seeing mean girl for the first time" Joel joked

"I still don't get why everyone liked her if she was so mean" I told him as I placed my hand on his hips

"I really like you Kendrick, you one of the nicest guys I ever dated I promise I'm not breaking up with you" Joel promised and rubbed his nose against mine

"That's so amazing to hear" I said and hugged him tightly

"Wait" I said and pushed him back slightly

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked him confused

"Oh that" He said and cleared his throat

"Well um…I was a bit worried that you weren't attracted to me" He told me

"You think I'm not into you? I'm totally in to you" I told him now feeling anxious again

"What made you think I wasn't attractive to you" I asked him worried

"Because you won't touch me" He said

"I touch you" I told him

"Right but only after I initiate it" He said

"The only reason we started making out while watching movie is because I kissed you first and we don't do anything else but make out" He explained more

"Oh" I said realization hitting me like a rock and my face feels like it's burning

"And I'm not asking you to push me against the wall and fuck me so hard I can't walk the next morning" Joel added which me my face even hotter

"But I would like to do something" He finished

"Oh um…okay well it's not because I'm not attracted to you" I said swallowing a little bit of vomit

"It's because I…I've never done stuff like this before" I told him

"And I know you have a million times" I added

"Wow a million; okay" Joel said sarcastically

"I didn't mean it like that" I said laughing a bit

"I mean you know what you like and what feels good to you so I just let you take the wheel" I finished

"Right and I like driving sometimes and me driving is a lot of fun but I would like it if maybe you took the wheel and took us somewhere you like" Joel said getting closer to me and are faces were almost touching

"But what if I start driving and you realize how bad of a driver I am" I asked holding his hips again and moving my face closer to his

"No one a bad driver, They just need a good teacher to show them the rules of the road" Joel said and rubbed his nose against mine again

"You don't mind being my teacher" I asked him

"I would love to be your teacher" Joel said and kissed me gently on the lips

I held him close and deepened the kiss, squeezing his hips tightly.

We pulled away breathing heavily

"Should we go back to the party?" Joel asked me

"We could or we can start those driving lessons early" I smiled at him and he smiled back

"Okay, We can go to my place this time and we can even put on legally blonde" He told me

"I never saw legally blonde either" I told me

"Okay first we're going to actually watch legally blonde"He told me which made me giggle

"And then I'll teach you the rules of the road" He winked seductively at me and we held hands as we walked to his car

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