Part 4

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Switch Pov

Pop, pop. Nailed the other guy and you instantly. Odd how my skills returned at the perfect moment, I gloated. "What a predicament you've gotten yourself into." With the gun shoved against your remaining life, I guided you to the wall. It seemed that only us two were left, or at least, the last few were moving silently; however, I did not care.

You were trapped at my mercy, "Aren't you going to finish me?"

I'd love to help you finish, but this early? "And ruin the fun?" I acted incredulously. Gun still readied in my right, I cupped my other hand right behind your shoulder and leaned in, "I'd rather do something else." Our noses touched, and I relished the control over the situation, I won tonight. "You lasted pretty long princess," I whispered into your ear as the gun shifted to my side but never left your sensor. "I think it's time for you to surrender though.

"To you?" The defiant look was easy to see even in the dark room.

I answered by holding your face and giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. Then one on the other side, "I will only accept your unconditional surrender." How I wish to devour you and that fighting spirit. I brought your face closer to meet your lips as my finger waited for the countdown. 3, you were breathing a little heavily. 2, I paused for a moment, our lips just centimeters apart. 1. I win, they touched while I started to pull the trigger. Right then, a few shots rang, and I knew they were not mine. I didn't think your bullets were already reloaded, or you would end our kiss so brutally. Damn it, my mind was still stuck on the impossibility of my loss as the wailing alarms declared the end of the game.

But damn, that was good kitten. Completely caught me there. I had to admit even though the odds were in my favor.

You started to walk away with a little smirk, "I guess I won." It was a sad ending, all the fun was cut off in an instant. There was an extra bounce in your steps now, that pride must really be sinking in. I followed you out and threw my vest back on the wall. This time, you managed to pinch the right buckle and reached for the left one. Quickly, I grabbed your wrist, surprising you, and slid my other hand along your right arm until our fingers interlocked.

You stiffened and tried to step away. "What are you doing?" At the same moment, I trapped your arms between your vest and my arms.

"I'm showing my love for you because you're so cute." I lightly rocked side to side without loosening my hold. This should be good. By now, the other players were glancing over to check the situation, show a disapproving look, or avoid getting bumped into.

You noticed the looks and flushed from embarrassment. "All these people are staring at us. Let me go." You hissed while trying to wiggle out. I just hummed and continued holding to you tightly for a little while people walked out, smiling at the bond or looking annoyed by the display. Either way, the more looks, the more embarrassed you are, and the funnier it is. I released you as you shot a withering glare at me, any longer and you might have jabbed me in the stomach or something worse, although you wouldn't with everyone around, I hoped. 

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