Recording 00:02 11:58AM
The view swipes up from looking at the ground. It shows a front door. The doorbell rings. The view swipes to the left and it shows two people. Adults, a woman and a man. A voice speaks from behind the camera.
"Ok Mom and Dad. I'll be fine."
"Just be nice and careful. These are very powerful people your talking about." The Man says.
"Ok I promise." The female voice says from behind the camera.
Then the camera looks over to the door again and moves closer. A hand reaches out and holds the door handle. A deep breath can be heard and then the hand turns the door handle. The door opens and there is 7 people standing on the doorstep. The one closest to the door smiles.
"Hey kid." He states. A chorus of hellos and hi's could be heard after. From behind the camera a voice answered.
"Hi Stark. Hi Avengers. Hey Peter."
The camera view steps back to the side and a hand from behind the camera holds out. The view looks from the people at the doorstep to the living room we're the parents were just leaving.
"You must be this little trouble makers parents." A female voice states. One of the voices from the group still standing at the door. She walks in.
"Yes, you must be Natasha Romanov" The mother speaks turning around. "We will go make some food." The Parents walk out of the living room.
The Avengers walk in one by one and sit on the couch and chairs around the room. The hand from behind the camera closes the door and walks over to them.
"So?" Phoenix the voice from behind the camera asks.
"Why are you videotaping us?" Peter asked from the floor. He was sitting in front of the Tv.
"Because I need to have proof that you said sorry. And proof that you actually came." Phoenix said.
"Huh smart" Steve said. He was sitting on the couch next to Natasha and Clint.
The view moves and is put down on top of the tv. The camera facing everyone now. Phoenix nodes at them. They all look at the camera.
"Wow. Amethyst would be so happy and jealous that I had the Avengers over." Phoenix laughed. "But then mad at me for the reason." Her expression darkened.
The Mom came out with a tray full of snacks and put them on the coffee table. Then left upstairs.
"I'm glad to finally see the face behind the hate. Your a lot younger than I thought." Tony said.
"How did you even find my location?" Phoenix asked.
"I have my ways." Tony stated.
"It was me." Peter said quietly.
"Hey! How did you know where to go?" Tony sneered.
Peter looked at Phoenix and she nodded.
"We are friends." He said. "Ever since we were in grade 4."
"Yeah I've known him for a while." She smiled.
"Tell us why did you blame us?" Steve blurted out. "What happened? Besides the car."
Phoenix looked down. "Well when Loki attacked me and Amethyst were walking home. Then we heard screaming and lots of loud noises. We looked around and we got separated but I could still see her. then out of no where a car came flying from behind and building and hit her square in the chest." She took a deep breath. Everyone looked down.
" Well, I've lost someone." Natasha said " it was my sister"
" I never had parents I'm not really sure if that counts" Peter said after
" I lost my best friend" Steve said
" I also lost both my parents" tony said.
After that, all of the avengers went into accounting stories of how they lost their loved ones.
Recording 4:27:12 3:26 PM
"- aunt may took me, and she never really told me the story of how my parents died." Peter finished. " I don't think she really knows"
The plate of snacks had been long finished, and everyone was just sitting in their spots, talking and laughing. Tony stark looks at his watch.
"Oh wow it's been four hours almost 5 we should probably get going!" Tony said.
"Wait really time really goes by fast when you're having fun" Steve said.
Everyone was surprised, but they are slowly stood up and filed out the door. Phoenix came towards the camera and picked it up. She turned it around and faced it at the open door. tony turned around.
"So does that clear things up for you?" He asked.
"A little bit" she admitted. " I hate you a bit less."
Tony smiled, then turned around. He got into the limo with all the other avengers. one of the windows opened, and Peter looked out.
"Bye Phoenix!" he yelled out the window, and the others followed.
"Goodbye!" She said I should close the door.
She walked over to the couch and put the camera down in front of her face.
"Well, that's that. They really can be nice. But that doesn't wipe away the things I've done. Phase 1 is in motion and no one can stop it. goodbye for now you don't have to watch the full four hours of the video just skim through it and we'll talk about this later. DOWN WITH THE AVENGERS!! The Revengers shall rise soon enough" She said.
Than a knock could be heard at the door. The camera was put on the Tv again. It was knocked to have a view of the front door. A louder knock could be heard.
"I'm coming!" Phoenix said as she started to run towards the door.
But just then the door was knocked down. Almost hitting Phoenix the door made a big bang leaving wood shreds everywhere. Phoenix's parents came rushing down the stairs but before they could say anything someone stepped in. They pointed a large gun at Phoenix. She ducked before they could shoot at her. The parents ran upstairs again and yelled at Phoenix to follow. But she was trapped under the kitchen the table. More and more guys in armour with laser guns came in and started shooting everything. One passed right by her and she saw his shoulder. It had a red circle with a octopus in it. She recognized it. Hydra. The shooter found her and tried to shoot her but he missed and hit the table. The view fell off the Tv.
Phoenix tried to run upstairs but two guys grabbed her. A big box with a timer and the hydra logo on it was put in the middle of the room. Phoenix was pushed outside. She broke free and ran left.
Beep beep beep beep beep

The Letter
FanfictionThis is the story of Phoenix and the avengers written through letters, notes, and texts. Phoenix hate the avengers for hurting her best friend. The chapters are short