Since the live broadcast from Phoenix, people around the world are reporting times when they too lost a loved one to the Avengers. The Revengers being led by Phoenix have yet to show their faces but thousands are joining on social media to "join the cause." The people are still wondering what's going to happen next. We all have reason to believe that the Avengers are worse than they ever seemed. People say that they are bad for the world and a terrible thing for kids to look up to. How do we know that they can ever be controlled? Were they ever good in the first place?
Here are comments from the people:"I got badly injured with my family when the avengers told us they could protect us."
"I am in the Hospital because of them! I am going bankrupt!"
"The avengers should start paying out medical bills. Tony Stark has the money he doesn't need."
"I lost two of my friends to a building collapsing."
"My whole business was destroyed when they destroyed the building I was working in! They killed more than half my staff!"
"All they do is loose! How are we ever supposed to rely on them to save us!"
"Too many deaths!"And it keeps going. What are we supposed to think? How do we respond to this?

The Letter
FanfictionThis is the story of Phoenix and the avengers written through letters, notes, and texts. Phoenix hate the avengers for hurting her best friend. The chapters are short