The camera flickers on and glitches a bit. You can see the dark night sky flying past. Then it glitches again and there is a living room. The camera was then moved to the coffee table and you could see Spider-Man's chest trying to set it up. Then he backed up and his mask was off. You could see a worried Peters face in the Spider-Man suit.
"I need her to see this later." He said then called.
"May! May?!" He turned around then dashed into the kitchen. There was Phoenix sprawled on the couch. She had blood everywhere and tear stained eyes. You could see Peter running around the house calling his Aunt May's name. Then he ran back.
"I'll just have to do this myself then." He huffed. Then he stood over her looking confused and having no idea what to do. The you could hear a click and a door opening. Peter turned around.
"Oh May! Thank God! I really need help here!!" He said frantically. She bustled in and hanging her stuff up she said.
"With what Peter? Calm down" then she stepped into the living room and gasped.
"Oh god" she said.
"Well what are you doing just standing there! Go get a bucket and fill it with warm water!" Without a pause or question she through her stuff down and ran into the kitchen. You could hear muffled talking. Then they both came out with bandages and clothes. May got a stool and sat down next to Phoenix's head. Then she started cleaning her wounds. Peter stood there and tried to help.
"Peter" May started slowly. "Why is the girl from the video laying on our couch half dead?" She asked calmly.
"W-well-" Peter stammered. May looked up at him and raised her eyebrows.
"Well, you see, I have her number and-" she blurted out and talked as fast as he could.
"-I was texting her and I got the hint that she was going to, well... jump of a building."
"Oh" May said.
"So then I got my suit on and was going to stop her because you know I'm Spider- Man and I care about her." He blushed.
"I saw her singing about to jump and she had her arms out. I heard some of it. Anyway, then she jumped and it was so sudden!" He paused and his face went dark.
"I tried to catch her." He said with a squeaky voice. He looked down and swallowed hard.
"I-I jumped t-to catch her... uh... t-then I didn't g-get there in time. We were falling and she tucked her arms in and was spinning. I couldn't reach so I tried catching her with a web and it hit her but... Not before her head hit the ground." He paused. "I can still hear the crack of something in her." He turned around.
"What if I killed here!" He shot.
"Well she didn't manage to do it herself. I'm sorry Peter. It looks like she has been hurting herself." She said in a sad tone as she cleaned some of the wounds.In the morning, Phoenix was all cleaned up. She was in a more comfortable position and Peter was right next to her. May came into the room doing her hair up.
"I have to go to work, Peter. You have been with her all night. Get some rest." May said.
"But I have to be here just in case she wakes up." He stated.
"You also have to get rest. You can find a way to do both I don't care how but take care of yourself." She said then gathered her stuff and left, locking the door.Peter sat there then after a few minutes got up and came back with a pillow and in his normal clothes. He set the pillow on the ground next to the couch then lay down.
"Hey if you can hear me, I'm sorry." He said. Phoenix grumbled then opened her eyes.
"What have you got to be sorry about" she groaned. "Arg, where am I? Who are you?" Phoenix looked at Peter with an odd expression then turned her head. She stared at him with an powerful intensity then her eyes slowly turned ventablack. They looked like a black whole opened in her eyes. Peters eyes slowly widened as he realized she didn't know him. He had completely forgotten that he had seen her on tv but she had never seen him. All the sudden black veins started to climb her body from her heart and Peter screamed and jumped back. There was a whoosh and something big and black swept behind her before she blinked and everything turned back to normal. Peter gasped. Phoenix slowly turned her head and had a confused expression.
"What just happened?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" She asked. She clearly didn't remember what just happened.
"You just went cra-"
"Who are you?" She asked again. Peter got flustered.
"I-I it's me Peter." Her eyes widened.
"Peter! It's really you!!" She gave him a big hug.
"Yeah! You tried to kill your self didn't you?" She pulled back.
"Maybe, how did you know that?"
"Well I almost saved you! I'm spider-man!" He covered his mouth. She smiled at him.
"I can see that." She raised her arm to look at the bruises. Then looked across the room to the Spider-Man suit.
"I was so close to catching you!"
"I wish you didn't."

The Letter
FanfictionThis is the story of Phoenix and the avengers written through letters, notes, and texts. Phoenix hate the avengers for hurting her best friend. The chapters are short