Chapter 6

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Chloe was on edge, she constantly looked over her shoulder as she walked through the school hallways. After missing school for an entire week, she decided to carry on with her life like nothing had happened, but she still feared them, the people who's identities were unknown. An investigation was being carried out by the police but they had gotten nowhere in catching the person responsible for the death of Albert John (the kid who was killed).

Lunch time came and Chloe contemplated going to the library as usual, but something was different, a lingering fear. She didn't want to be alone, she wanted to be in a crowded place where no one could hurt her. She thought of Laila and her friends. She didn't trust them but they were all she had so she went to the cafeteria. The place was as usual, buzzing with life.

The group of friends stared at her in surprise when they saw her approach their table. She ignored them and sat down, digging into her food. The table was quite as they all watched her eat.

"Hi?" Laila finally broke the silence.

"Hi Laila" Chloe replied.

"Been a while"

"Yeahhhh" the table grew silent again.

"Sooo... the weather is great" Chloe spoke, in an attempt to break the awkward silence.

"That's cliche" Elliot commented

"And y'all staring at me like a ghost isn't?"

"Forgive the rudeness, we were just fascinated by your beauty". Melvin quipped.

"I mean, check out that hair" kelvin added. Chloe scoffed, trying to hide her blush.

"And that rosey blush is cute" Laila added.

Chloe ignored them, focusing her attention on the food in front of her. They soon got over the shock of her presence and slowly slipped back to their normal routine.

They sat in silence until lunch was over.


The weather was hot, Chloe regretted wearing a black hoodie in a cliche attempt to hide from her pursuers. She stood in front of the school's double doors, dreading the inevitable walk to her house. She sighed and took a step forward when someone bumped into her from behind.

"There you are"

Chloe didn't need to turn around to identify the face behind that voice.

"You say that like you've been looking for me"

"I have" Laila replied.

"Oh? Why?"

"Come on, the others are waiting" Laila walked away, not giving Chloe a chance to reply. Chloe followed her, curious and skeptical.

Her skepticism increased when Laila opened the door of a black car. She didn't know much about cars, but she could tell this was expensive.


"Get in" Laila ushered her into the backseat and entered after her.

She sat in the middle, Melvin on one side and Laila on the other. Elliot drove while Kelvin sat in the front seat.

"This is kidnapping" Chloe grumbled.

"It's not like anyone forced you" Kelvin replied. That tone, that statement. It made Laila feel unwelcome.

"Oh? Well sorry to intrude"

Kelvin met her gaze through the rear view mirror. Chloe averted her gaze instantly.

"Didn't mean it that way princess, just that It can't be counted as kidnapping since no form of violence was used" kelvin explained.

"Why are you explaining yourself? Afraid she's going to call the cops?" Melvin teased in an attempt to lighten the mood. His brother ignored him, along with everyone.

"Tough crowd"

"Give it up man" Laila replied.

Elliot finally pulled up in the parking lot of a small cafe. They all wordlessly got out and entered the cafe.

Inside the cafe was warm, and the smell of pastries was thick in the air. Chloe marveled at the interior, haven never been there before. They all sat at a round table beside the glass wall. Chloe sat so she was facing the glass wall, the view of the busy street clear to her. A petite waitress took their order and they chatted as the awaited their snacks.

"So Chloe, you been here before?" Laila asked, while twirling a strand of hair between her fingers.



"No particular reason"

"So far, do you like it?"


"Not a chatty person are you?" Kelvin asked with irritation clear in his voice.

"Guess not" She replied, ignoring his tone.

"Well there's no problem, I'm chatty enough for both of us" Melvin said enthusiastically, coming to the rescue once more.

"Hey Elliot, how's your sister"


That got Chloe's attention. So his name was Elliot she thought to herself.

"And her cute little dog?" Lila asked with mirth in her voice. Elliot glared at her.


Laila chuckled

"Don't tell me you killed little Rex" she faked pouting.

"Stop pouting Laila, you look stupid" Kelvin said. That amused Chloe, causing her to laugh lightly.

"You're not supposed to laugh Chloe, we should be on the same side!" Laila scolded.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it" Chloe replied between chuckles. She noticed Laila smiling widely. Then she realized she had laughed, genuinely.

"You're forgiven, just this one time"

The waitress finally arrived with their orders, and as they ate, Chloe observed the atmosphere. It was casual and carefree, they all teased each other and laughed lightly. If she wasn't so uptight, she would find herself enjoying their company. She wanted to be able to smile and laugh so casually, but she couldn't, she had the weight of her entire life holding her back. She thought about the word friends, and wondered what it would be like to have these people as friends. She chuckled at how absurd it sounded. She didn't need friends.

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