Chapter 7

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Hey guys 👋

Please forgive any error you see, I haven't edited it !

I just wrote it and decided to drop it since it's been I whileeeeeee I updated

I promise to do that more often (update I mean)

And I will come back to edit this chapter, promise


Chloe felt off. As she made a sandwich for herself and her little brother, she found herself feeling a little bit of excitement. She was excited to go to school for the first time in a while.

"Someone's in a good mood" her little brother Christian sang.

"I could say the same" Chloe replied, noticing that her little brother was actually in a good mood.

"What's the secret? Excited to see your girlfriend?" She continued teasingly.

"Excited to see yours?" He chipped back. She paused her movement, looking up at him in surprise


"I've seen you with her, the orange haired girl. She's pretty, you have good eyes"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"But you have a girlfriend"

"No I don't" she blushed

"But you're into girls"

"No I'm not"

"Liar liar pants on fire" he mocked in a girly voice as he walked out the door, leaving her in the kitchen blushing.

As Chloe walked to school, she kept thinking of what her brother had said. It bothered her that he had assumed she was gay. She liked boys. What would make him assume that?


Lunch time came and Chloe found herself automatically going to the library. She hadn't seen Laila or any of the others all day. She still felt that tiny skip in her heart, and was conscious of her surroundings, still scared of the unknown but she didn't want to intrude by going to sit with them. Even tho she had a nice time the day before, she assumed it was a one time thing and didn't want to get attached.

She saw Laila's bright orange hair and signature smile enter the library. She felt her own lips rising slightly with a smile of her own.

"Hey nerd"

"Since when did I become a nerd?" She quirked a brow

"Since you hung out at the library. Now come on, I'm here to drag you to the cafeteria by the hair kicking and screaming if necessary"

"I would love to see you try" she smiled as she began to pack her books.

"Ohhh... someone is kinky" Laila drawled with a wink, making Chloe's cheeks explode in flames. Her brother's assumption made it worse. She groaned internally, reminding herself she wasn't gay.

They walked to the cafeteria, Laila chatting about something Chloe wasn't paying attention to. As soon as they entered the cafeteria, Chloe locked eyes with Elliot. Unlike his usual emotionless font, he stared at her with curiosity. She averted her gaze, walking to the table awkwardly.

"There she is" Melvin smiled at Chloe, drawing the attention of Kevin who was scrolling through his phone.

"Hi" she greeted

"Where have you been?"

"Sitting in the library like a nerd" Laila answered

"Like a nerd? Or as a nerd?" Kelvin corrected

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