Chapter 11

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"Wait up !" Chloe yelled after Elliot. She ran after him, strategically dodging students in the crowded hallway. The events of Saturday night still played in her head. She wanted to apologize to him earlier, after lunch but missed the opportunity due to Laila's unending chatter.
"What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you" she panted, finally catching up with him "about the other night" she sighed and stood up straighter "I'm sorry for the way I acted, I was just on edge. Don't ask me why I was, I'm still not ready to talk about it but I'm sorry, really"

Elliot studied her for a minute with an unreadable expression. Her cheeks were red and she looked everywhere but at him. He could tell this was very difficult for her.

"It's fine... I guess" he finally responded, making Chloe smile widely. He found it very cute, the way her smile was wider than most, exposing her tiny dimples. Her dimples could hardly be noticed, only if one looked closely. He almost pointed it out but he restrained himself.


"I guess I'll see you around?" He asked coolly, ignoring how her smile affected him in ways he wasn't ready to admit.

"Yeah. See you"

Chloe stared after his retreating figure, wondering why she felt so relieved by the fact that he accepted her apology.

"What's wrong with me?" She muttered to herself.

"Are you talking to yourself?" A masculine voice which she soon realized was Maxwell's asked from behind her. He smiled eerily at her, with a weird glint in his eyes that made goosebumps rise on her skin.

"H-hey Maxwell" his smile widened hearing her stutter. He knew the effect he had in her, knew how frightened she was of him. He knew the thoughts running through her head of the things he wanted to do to her, it was why he made that call, knowing fully well she was in the bathroom. It was a fun game he loved, watching his victims squirm in fear, he especially loved toying with Chloe, there was something about her that intrigued him.

"Hey Chloe, how are you?"

"I'm okay. You?" This time, she didn't stutter.

"I'm very happy" he locked eyes with her "I finally found something I've been looking for"

Chloe's heart broke, she could tell he was referring to her, and he wasn't trying to hide it. She found herself wishing Elliot was there with her, or Laila.

"Oh. Was it important?"

"You can't imagine how important"

"Well. Good for you. I should get going" she turned around hastily and left, not giving him a chance to protest.

"See you around Chloe" he called out after her.

She made sure she was out of his sight before taking out her phone with shaky hands to call Laila. She was shaken by Maxwell, the way he smiled, the look in his eyes, it frightened her. Laila's line went straight to voicemail. She tried Elliot's but he didn't answer. She walked aimlessly, afraid to go home and lead Maxwell straight to her family. Laila's house wasn't an option either.

After a while of walking, Chloe found herself by the lake, staring at the beautiful dark water. It once again reminded her of her friend Maya. She took out her phone and dialed her number, needing a distraction from Maxwell. Maya answered on the third ring.

"I was wondering if you'd forgotten all about me" Chloe smiled at the sound of the familiar voice, it was comforting.

"Hello to you too Maya"

They spent the next two hours catching up on each other's lives till Maya hung up to go run an errand for her mum.


Chloe noticed how odd the behaviors of her schoolmates were. Being ignored by most of them on a normal day, she found it surprising how they were behaving. Most of them stared and whispered, some bold enough to smile at her, some of them even waved. She was curious to know what the change of heart was. By third period, Laila haven had enough of the rumors approached Chloe and pulled her by her arm to an empty classroom.

"What's this ?" She asked Chloe in all seriousness.

"What's what?" Chloe questioned back, curiously. It was her first time seeing Laila so serious.

"This. The rumors going round about you and Elliot"

"What rumor Laila?" Chloe's confusion increased with each word Laila uttered.

"You two are... dating ?" She said the last part in a whisper, hurt laced her voice.

"We're not dating Laila. And why do you sound hurt ?"

"Hurt?" She asked. Her expression grew panicked and she fumbled around for an excuse "maybe because you're dating my friend without telling me"

"We're not dating, and I have to ask for permission to date him ?"

"Not permission. Just tell me, he's my friend"

"He's my friend too Laila"

"I thought you were against having friends"

"We'll not anymore. I'm getting late for my class and you're being ridiculous right now so bye" Chloe tried to walk out but Laila got in her way.

"Where did the rumors come from then?"

"I don't know. Move Laila" Chloe did have an idea of where the rumors came from. Probably from Maxwell or Mary, but she wasn't interested in telling Laila that, not with how entitled she was acting.

Laila starts at Chloe for a bit, noticing the clear irritation on her face. She knew she was being irritating but she couldn't explain the hurt she'd felt when she heard from strangers that two of her friends were dating. She felt betrayed.

"Fine. But we're not done" she finally moved.


"I need you" Chloe stared at the weird text Laila sent her a minute ago, confusion and worry lacing her features. She couldn't reply, she was in a class with a strict no phone policy.

"Your help"

"I meant I need your help"

"Come to the bathr"

By now, Chloe's worry had increased. The teacher called her out for getting distracted by her phone, making Chloe blush in embarrassment as the whole class turned to look at her. She took permission to leave, stating that it was an emergency.

"Room" came the last text from Laila before Chloe got to the girls bathroom. Chloe was greeted with the sight of Laila slumped on the floor in one of the bathroom stalls, smiling up at her sheepishly. It took one look for Chloe to realize she was high, she was experienced in the field, haven had an alcoholic father and a brother who smoked.

"Laila wha..." she got interrupted by Laila rushing to throw up in the toilet. Chloe was a bit disgusted by how close Laila was to the toilet, especially since it was a public one.

Chloe held up her hair for her and with much effort lifted her up, put Laila's hand over her shoulder and her own hand around Laila's waist for support.

"I'm fineeeee" she slurred.

Chloe ignored her, deciding to skip school and take Laila home where she can sleep it off.

By the time Laila finally slept, Chloe was exhausted. She didn't find the task of helping a girl high on drugs to walk easy. She sat on the floor, leaning on her bed. She hated the feeling in her gut, it was the familiar sadness she felt every time she saw her brother high. She hoped it was a once in a while thing for Laila since she hadn't seen any signs of addiction or regular use. She sighed once again.


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Also, in my country Nigeria, there's usually harmattan by this time of the year and for some reason, this year's different so the weather's so hottttttt 😭

Sighs in disappointment

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