Chapter 17

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Chloe felt bile rise up to her throat as she stared at the picture. They found her house.

"You okay?" Laila asked as she watched her friend make her hurriedly go towards the edge of the classroom, where the trash can was. Chloe made it just in time as she felt the bile raise higher and she started to haul out her breakfast into the thrash can. Laila followed behind her and held up her hair, looking at her with worry.

"I need to go" the brunette said the moment she let the last of her breakfast out. She avoided looking at Laila, knowing her emotions would betray her if she did.

"Sure but are you okay? What did you see?"

"It's nothing" she said, already halfway to the door. She left without another word and raced to the bathroom to rinse her mouth and pull herself together.

"Fuck" she cursed, tears welling up in her eyes. Her face felt hot, contrasting with the cold water she used to wash her face. She shut her eyes tightly, willing the the tears to stay back "don't you dare" she whispered, growing frustrated by her weakness and her inability to not cry all the time "Don't you dare cry".


Chloe's eyes flew open and she found Sarah staring at her. She frowned at the intrusion but felt relief at the distraction.

"What are you doing?" Sarah asked dumbly.

"I'm dancing Sarah" her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Are you okay tho?" She asked. Chloe stared at her puzzled. Sarah wasn't supposed to be talking to her. They had been friends in freshman year but things had ended badly between them.

"Since when did you care Sarah?"

Sarah rolled her big blue eyes at her, those same eyes that had looked Chloe in the eyes and said those hurtful words years ago.

"Listen, I'm trying to be a good friend okay?" Her voice was soft, deceiving. "Now answer, what's wrong?"

"You're intruding, that's what's wrong and we're not friends"

"Oh" Sarah said, like a thought suddenly struck her, completely ignoring Chloe's words "did you two break up?"

Chloe's eyes widened. She knew who Sarah was referring to and remembered the rumor going around. There was no doubt Sarah heard about, she was after all buddies with the queen bee. Sarah smirked in satisfaction, knowing she struck a chord.

"I'm right aren't I ?"

Was she? Were they even a thing? Sarah had that look of triumph in her eyes, believing she cracked a world problem.

"You have no idea how stupid you look, making guesses that couldn't be farther from the truth"

Sarah's eyes widened and her beautiful face twisted into an angry scowl, her face turning red. She opened her mouth to respond but Chloe was already out the door.

After the final bell rang, Chloe headed straight to her locker and found Elliot waiting there. He was leaning on it casually, his attention on his phone. Chloe smiled brightly, her heartbeat increasing in excitement. She hadn't seen him all day. She kept her cool and went to him with a spring in her step.

"Hey" she greeted. He put his phone away and smiled at her, pulling her into a hug.

"Hey" he said when he finally pulled away.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she opened her locker.

"Um I go here?"

"You know what I mean" he chuckled.

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