18 - Beautiful world; tears fall upon it

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Phil and Frederick were both sobbing.

Each young man was mourning Willa in his own, separate way. The officers going in and out of the hotel room to deal with the body had no connection to the deceased woman whatsoever and did not feel only sorry for Phil and Frederick. Mustang, standing grimly in the doorway, his unseeing eyes locked on a spot on the floor picked at random, had only met Willa briefly. Lastly, Ed, who had his wheelchair against the wall just outside the room, didn't have much reason to be sad.

Sure, he was still stunned about the suicide, and quite a bit angry, but that was the extent of any emotion he felt at the present moment. After all, in the depths of his mind lurked the millions of souls—the descendants of the alchemist Datres and their victims—with which he could converse easily if he wished it. About an hour ago, a new soul—one of the last living descendants of Datres—had joined the others that resided inside of him after her death. She was as eager to have a word with Ed as he was.

'What is going on?' he heard Willa ask within his head.

If Edward were to close his eyes and focus very hard, he whould be able to visualise the crimson, screaming face, which was the appearance her soul had automatically taken on. He wasen't too keen to see her like that, though, so he fixated his eyes on the wall in front of him. He refrained from blinking for an entire seven minutes while he spoke with Willa.

'It's Frederick and Phil,' Fullmetal informed the dead woman.

'I see,' she answered. 'Are they making out in front of a bunch of people?'

'You're dead and yet you're still so immature. Can't you be serious for one second, Willa? You've just commited suicide and now you're dead. Dead!'

'You commited suicide as well. The boys told me all about every single thing you've done wrong since they've known you when you left. I can see you really are a complete fool.'

'Shut up.'

'I'm in your head, boy. If you want to silence my voice, you do that yourself or I just keep talking. So what are you doing right now?'

'What is this? We sound like we're having an awkward phone call that the both of us want to end.'

'Whoulden't exactly call its a phonecall... Just answer the question.'

Ed rolled his eyes. Even in death, Willa was still annoying.

'I'm sitting.'



'How very informative,' said Willa. 'What are you doing while you're sitting?'

'Sitting. That's all.'

'Are you crying?'

'Why whould I be?' Fullmetal asked her.

'I'm dead. You should be sad, you ungrateful little pest.'

'Ungrateful? Are you saying I should be grateful that you're dead?'

If she had a physical form, Ed was sure Willa whould have thrown her arms in the air, tired of his stupid answers.

'Fine,' said Willa. 'You clearly don't want to talk to me, so I'll get right to the point. Earl and I, we've been able to talk properly. I won't go into detail, except that we've come to an important decision and we want you to do one little thing for us...'


When Willa slipped into the back of Ed's mind where he kept all the other souls, trying constantly not to have them interfere with his thoughts, Phil and Frederick were still bawling.

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