40: Another Favor

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Nord Mead ~ Miracle of Sound (Oghren's Theme)

Jarvia was flanked by several of her carta and she had her arms crossed when we approached her. I quickly surveyed the room for any traps or ambushes. "So Bhelen finally realizes that his throne means nothing if he can't hold it, yet he still doesn't bother to send his own men," she said. "Well, you picked the wrong side, stranger. It doesn't matter who's king, as long as there's a queen!"

"You're awfully cocky for someone whose entire carta is dead," I said. I heard Zevran snicker behind me.

"You'll pay for their deaths a hundred times over! Kill them! But leave the pretty one alive. I have plans for her."

I knew that would set Alistair into protective mode but he knew I could hold my own. I quickly dispatched the Dwarf who rushed at me, leaving a deep gash in his chest. I spun around and the next in line lost his head. Something hit me from behind and I pitched forward. I did a somersault and was on my feet again, swinging my blades in two arcs. They met Jarvia's twin axes.

"You have skill, surfacer," she said when I blocked her attacks. "But that is not enough to best me."

"We'll see."

I feigned a hit to her left. She took the bait and I spun around and brought both of my swords down her back. She spun around, aiming her axes at my torso. I jumped back, she missed by less than an inch. I felt the wind of them passing. I kicked her back. Alistair ran up behind her and hit her with his shield, sending her into my swords.

"Seems your plans aren't going to happen."

She was dead before she hit the floor. I nodded my thanks. He nodded to acknowledge it.

"Now what?" Leliana asked.

"Let's get out of here," I answered.


We were back in the Diamond Quarter and heading back to the Royal Palace. I actually wondered what the criers would say this time. We passed Harrowmont's crier first.

"Orzammar questions Lord Bhelen's ability to win the throne without Grey Warden assistance. Can he rule without them as well?" Up a flight of stairs and Bhelen's crier made his announcement.

"Lord Harrowmont furious at the Grey Wardens' interference! Claims no one can stop his plans to strip Orzammar's defenses, say insiders!"

I would be glad when someone was crowned. The sooner we could get allies against the Blight, the sooner we could leave behind the politics of the Dwarves.


"Well, you've simply outdone yourself," Bhelen said when we returned to the Palace. "They're talking all over the city about how someone finally went through Dust Town and slaughtered the carta like genlocks."

I have failed to mention there are different types of Darkspawn, genlock being the smallest and weakest. I have learned the different types as I fight them, but truthfully I care not to identify the types I kill. A dead Darkspawn is the only type I care for.

"You have done the city a great service. I promise, as soon as I take the throne, I will send the troops you need. Killing Jarvia brought me greater favor but to truly displace Harrowmont, we'll need something dramatic enough to end the debate forever."

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