Hanky code (4) 🧡

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~ 1400 Words

TW: smut, s&m, bxb, top Eddie, bottom Steve

Eddies POV

I gonna be honest, I didn't catch much of the movies we were watching yesterday. I know both were horror but not much more. Having Steve Harrington sit next to you, even if he was sitting on the couch and I in the armchair, is pretty distracting. Especially if you spent the minutes prior fantasizing about ruining him in the hottest way possible.

After I got Robin and Max home I went straight to bed, not ready to really think about the day. But now that I am aware again, I can't push it of any longer. I need to find out if the Steve the king Harrington knows what that black bandana means, that he wore yesterday.

And if he knows, was it a joke? Is he making fun of me for wearing my bandana? I got to know him quite well through this whole Vecna thing, so I don't think he was making fun of me. But it is probably still a joke, if he knows what it means.

Because there is no way that Steve Harrington is not straight, right? He probably isn't even an ally, because who in Hawkins supports our community, without being part of it? That would be stupid and push you to the very bottom of the social latter.

But wouldn't that be exactly what this new Steve would do? Sacrifice his status to support and stand up for his friends? Because if I'm not completely wrong Robin is a lesbian. I don't know if she is out to him, but they are best friends and seam like they tell each other everything.

And if Steve supports her, maybe he will accept me too. But the biggest question is still: does he know, what the bandana means? I am gonna leave the question wether or not he would ever be into me out, for my self-esteem and sanity. Because the inevitable rejection is going to hurt even more, if I technically have a chance with him.

So now to the pros and cons: What reason would there be for someone to where a black bandana, if they don't know what it means? It could just be a style choice, but it doesn't fit Steve's clothing style at all.

I think the only way to know for sure is to ask either Robin or Steve himself. I am certain that Robin knows , but I am also quite sure, that she won't tell a soul. So I'm going to have to ask the king himself.

I get out of my bed and take a quick shower. What do you wear to an occasion like this? What even is the occasion? Am I asking a friend, what his sexuality is? Am I asking him if he likes me, while I'm at it? Or do I better prepare to get beaten up?

I decide on my normal outfit, which I think fits for every situation. The bandana is still in the left back pocket. I consider leaving it here, but why should I? I always wear it and he never commented on it, plus I should probably come out to him first, if I want him to come out to me.

So now I am in the same borrowed car as yesterday, with the same destination. I'm even more nervous than yesterday, which I didn't think was possible. This time I don't even have the distraction of Max and Robin constantly talking, just me, myself and I getting more anxious by the second.

I park a little away from Steve's mansion, walking the last bit to collect my thoughts. I should probably be more confident, considering I would be the dominant one in a hypothetical relationship. But I can't bring myself to stop worrying about what he will say, what he will do, what he will think about me.

I am now at his door and I still have no idea what to say to him. I ring the bell despite that, because if I wait much longer I'm definitely gonna chicken out. I can hear steps on the other side of the door!

Steve opens the door, wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts. And while that may look normal on most people, somehow looks really hot on Steve. The tight shirt outlines his muscles and his thighs make the shorts look, like they are going to rip open any second.

As soon as I realize, that I'm staring, I force myself to look into his eyes and nowhere else. Though I immediately get lost in their beautiful chocolate brown, not being able to look away anyway.

"Hey Steve", I awkwardly say. "Hey Eddie, is everything alright? Why are you here?", He replies, not any less awkward. "I just wanted to hang out with you, is that such a crime?" "No, no of cause not! Come on in." Is he blushing? Nah, I should better not get my hopes up.

He opens the door further, so that I can step inside. We walk over into his living room and sit down on one of the couches. "Soo, did you have anything specific in mind that you wanted to do?" "No, not really. Well actually, I wanted to ask you a question." It's no or never, either I actually have a chance with him, or he is gonna hate me forever.

He motions for me to go on. "It's about yesterday. Specifically about what you were wearing." Is he nervous? He looks nervous. I'm definitely very nervous! "About what exactly?" He asks. "About the bandana."

Steve turns his head away from me, but I need an answer. I lay my hand on his chin and turn his head towards me again. He tries to turn away, but I won't let him. "Steve, I need to know: Do you know what it means? Do you know what that bandana means to someone like me?"

We hold eye contact for what feels like forever before he answers. "Yes. I know what it means", he wispers. HE KNOWS? "Do you also know what a black bandana in particular means?" "Y-yes, I do." Fuck, since when is stuttering hot?

"One last question: Who did you wear it for?" He tries to turn away again, avoiding meeting my eyes. "Steve, who was it?" I can feel him tense up and than he closes his eyes, breathing out: "You, I wore it for y-you."

FOR ME? He knows exactly what it means and he wore it for me? For Eddie Munson, the freak of the whole town? Is this really happening right now? It can't be, I must be dreaming! Because this is pretty much exactly how those kind of dreams start for me: my crush being not only into me, but also into s&m. And for quite some time this crush has been Steve Harrington.

Who is currently right in front of me. And he seems to get even more tense than before with every passing second. So I do the only thing, that I can think of right now, kissing him. I slowly lean closer, still expecting him to pull away. But he has kept his eyes closed the entire time, so I lean in further.

The moment my lips brush over his it feels like fireworks exploding in my entire body, spreading from my lips to my toes and finger tips. I can't help but pull him into me more, his lips fully touching mine now. I can't imagine a better feeling that this! My hand, that was holding his chin slides to his jaw, still directing his head. My other hand finds his hips, gripping tightly, as if he would vanish the moment I let go.

I suddenly feel both of his hand on my neck. One staying there, the other going further up into my hair. I tilt his head to the side, biting his bottom lip. He lets out a gasp and I slide my tongue into his mouth. When I start exploring every corner of his mouth, wanting to remember every detail forever, he tightens his grip in my hair, pulling us closer together.

I grip his hip tighter as well, pulling him on top of me. As soon as he is situated on my lap I release his lips and tilt his head upwards with my other hand. I kiss the corner of his mouth and let my kisses trail along his jawline. I continue until I reach the nape of his neck. Is slowly start sucking on the spot, sucking harder and harder, until I bite it and I hear him moan.


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