THANK U | + k.hj

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to say that hongjoong was scared shitless was an understatement. they had finally dropped their all to action album and wanted to tell seonghwa about one of the songs.

the members diligently went through their promotions. at the end they were tired of course, but were proud of themselves.

they were celebrating the end of promotions by eating at a steakhouse together. they all seemed to be having a good time except for one of them.

hongjoongs leg was bouncing up and down, he finally was going to tell seonghwa today after they ate. he silently prayed that god was on his side that day and made time go slower, even though he knew that wasn't possible.

seonghwa noticed how quiet the captain was tonight and furrowed his eyebrows seeing him so anxious.

"are you okay," seonghwa asked hongjoong snapping him out of his trance.

"yeah, yeah I'm fine, just kind of tired," hongjoong lied and made his eyes a little droopy to help his case.

"okay," seonghwa said not convinced, but he didn't want to push it seeing that the boy didn't really want to talk about It.

the night went by quickly. hongjoong always thought time went by insanely fast while having fun. he always couldn't seem to have full memories of fun activities he did, just snippets of it. now he knows why. time never waits for you.

all the boys were getting up and leaving the restaurant. hongjoong trudged behind the group and was contemplating everything. he was just going to give up on asking seonghwa.

seonghwa glanced around the group and didn't see their small captain, he frowned and slowed his pace.

seonghwa eventually caught up back there with hongjoong, who was in deep thought.

seonghwa poked hongjoongs arm, again snapping him out of his trance.

"holy shit you scared me," hongjoong said letting out a breath and putting a hand over his chest. seonghwa only laughed at him before walking in silence.

hongjoong appreciated that seonghwa walked the same pace with him and didn't say anything. it was almost like a way of saying "I'm here you don't have to say anything" for him.

it was the little things that hongjoong always appreciated from the older, he always seemed to know what to do to comfort hongjoong.

everyone always says that hongjoong can't take care of himself, so seonghwa takes role in that. now he agrees with them.

hongjoong took a deep breath before speaking up.


"yes joong?" seonghwa said quietly.

"do you have time after this?" hongjoong asked with anxiousness laced in his tone. seonghwa turned and looked back at him scanning his expression before nodding.

"can you come with me to the studio i have something to show you," hongjoong said quietly.

"of course," seonghwa said, hongjoong let out a breath and nodded.

the two boys arrived at the studio, they entered hongjoongs studio room and shut the door behind them. hongjoong gestured for seonghwa to sit on the vacant chair next to him.

seonghwa was confused and a little scared, or nervous. he was never here alone with hongjoong, only when they had to record. they just had a comeback so that idea was scraped in his brain.

hongjoong shuffled through his things before pulling out his notebook.

seonghwa knew that notebook was where all of hongjoongs lyrics were. his eyes wandered on it seeing hongjoong flip through the pages.

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