Chapter Twenty-three

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"Never let someone who contributes so little to a relationship control so much of it."

Rosalyn's POV

"I'm not going. You can give me back my phone now, right?" With tired eyes, I grimaced at Olivia as she tried to get me to attend a sick party with her and River. Speaking of those two, they barged into the house shortly after dinner, screaming at Cade and me to 'get our asses up and get ready to go to a party with them.

My body was drained from working all day without breaks. I had meetings to attend, partnership deals to sign, designs to skim over and heavily loaded mails. My knees and feet twinged and my body sprawled tiredly on the couch.

"Just get up, it's going to be fun. Don't be like Cade, he's no fun." She took a glance at the two people who were arguing over something stupid like whose car had the highest horsepower or who got the most toys in a year.

"Shut up, you don't even know him," I said the first sentence that came to my mind hardly giving a damn if Olivia's stares were as wide as saucers.

I shut my eyes attempting to fall asleep, relieved Olivia ceased her blabbering and plunged into the space beside me.

Meanwhile, I hummed the intro song to Cocomelon and rocked my head to the sides-Diaka loved singing the song and I couldn't help but sing it every time.

"Did you just...? Geez, someone is falling in love," she said in a melodic voice. Olivia was my best friend, sure, but sometimes she over exaggerates a lot.

I fluttered my eyelashes open. The first thing that appeared in my line of sight was Olivia waggling her blonde eyebrows with a mischievous look.

I clutched the nearest cushion I could find and hid my face behind it to secretly hide the blush that dyed my cheeks a shade of cerise.

"Stop saying that, I don't love Cade. We should be talking about you and River," I removed the pillow away from my face after convincing myself that the blush had disappeared.

"No, there's nothing to talk about," she spun her head in the opposite direction to secrete the red hue on her face but was oblivious that I could still see her face.

"Really? There's nothing to talk about? But you're blushing. I'm your best friend, feel free to tell me about your relationships. I want to be nosy." I rested my head on the arm of the couch with my hands behind my head and my legs over the other on Olivia's thighs.

"There's nothing to talk about. We've been hanging out for a while and talking more often. That's it. The thoughts of a relationship have never crossed my mind," she gave a dismissive wave of her hand but I wasn't buying the lies that spewed out of her lipstick-coated lips.

"That's when I knew you were lying. You have been hanging out with him lately. Don't dare lie to my face that you haven't thought about being more than just friends. I know when you're interested in someone," I paused, "I have heard too many of those stories where you talk about your past crushes."

She scratched her nose before resting her arm on the backrest of the couch and inspecting her fingernails. A few seconds later, she slammed her fist into the couch and grunted in frustration.

"I'm confused or maybe I'm scared to get into a relationship. Do you know what happens every time I get into one? We don't end up lasting. I'm scared of false hope and promises. Besides, he isn't showing any interest in me. He just wants to hang out and talk then say goodbye and meet another day. That's how the cycle works," She let out a frustrated sigh and raked through her hair with her fingers.

"River does like you maybe he's not ready. Give him some time," I assured rubbing my palm down her back and embracing her for a stound of time. "Baby steps, Olivia."

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