If you needed a break, just say that...

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Nightmares gang didn't understand why he would lock the AU. The first thing they did after going to Error was to go to Ink. Dust complained the entire time on the way there. He didn't want to go to Ink out of all people, but Killer insisted that if they wanted to get their Boss back they would go to him and the rest of the Star Shits.
Horror knew where their base was, Blue told him. Blue and Horror were kind of like friends, during battles they would never fight each other.

Horror was directing Killer and dragging Dust. He was the biggest out of everyone in the gang, along with the tallest. So he was stronger than every monster in the gang except Nightmare.

Once they got there Horror knocked on the door and Ink peeked his head through, "What must you guys want?" Ink only heald the door open enough just so they could see his eyes. All of a sudden a calm, deepish voice spoke; It was a bueatiful type of deep. Not a romantic deep. It was like Nightmares voice.. Nightmare was usually angry and agressive with his words, but when he was sad, or calm it sounded just like this voice.. It was Dream. "Who has knocked on the door, Ink..?" Ink turned around and closed the door, but you could still hear him. "It's Killer, Horror and Dust!" He was yelling, then Blue's high pitched, excited voice came in, "Ooo! Can we let them in!?" Blue wasn't really against The Bad Sanses. He just fought against them because he was apart of the Star Sanses. Ink opened the door and held it open, welcoming the Bad Sanses. Blue always had the best choices, so Ink and Dream usually listened to what Blue had to say.

"Hi Horror! Come sit over here, next to me! Horror giggled and ran over to Blue and sat next him. Dust groaned in jealousy, he had to sit next to Killer. He rolled his eyes. After everyone was seated, Ink asked a question. "Why are you guys here? What do you want from us?" He said while crossing his arms.

~Warning: Suicide, cuts~

Dust groaned again and rolled his eyes, Killer shushed him and began to speak, "We want a truce." Dream looked surprised, then looked at the three skeletons. "Where's thou King Nightmare?" Confusion taking over his mind.
Killer looked down and began to speak again, "Earlier he sent us on a mission. Once we completed it we tried summoning a portal, but it didn't work. We tried a few more times until Dust suggested we ask Error. Once we asked him he said the AU was locked, and that only Goddess's could lock AU's, and only they could enter and leave locked AU's. Error said he wouldn't help us, but we're really concerned. A few weeks ago.. I- I.. Uhm.." Killer sighed, not knowing what to say. Dust began to speak, "Killer is trying to say that a few weeks ago he found Nightmare hanging from the kitchen, cuts all over his legs and arms. Killer pounced on him and began to cut off the ropes.. We also noticed he hasn't ate anything in a while.."

Dream and Blue started in shock. Ink couldn't give two shits about Nightmare. They're enemies. They're not supposed to care about each other. Dream looked over to Ink, noticing his expression. Dream asked Ink a question, "Thou Ink, may we have a talk, in private?" Ink nodded his head, then they both stood up and walked into a different room.

Blue looked around at the three broken skeletons, "I'm so sorry! Are you guys okay?"
The three Skeletons answers Blue's questions, then began to have a conversation.

~With Nightmare~

Nightmare stared at his bedroom ceiling. Grasping the covers under him. His eye slowly becoming glossy, tears flowing down. Tears drowning his single eye..

All of a sudden a bright flash of yellow appeared, it was SD. "Darling, why is this AU locked?  What about that gang of yours?" SD slowly lowered his wings, walking over to Nightmares bed, sitting down beside him, clasping Nightmares hand.

Nightmare looked over at SD. Not knowing what to do. Nightmare just spent the last 2 hours looking for a book, it may not seem that long, but he was quite fast when searching for something, and 2 hours in a huge library like his. He wanted to give up, but he needed this book. It was important to him. Nightmare slowly, but surely made his way over to SD. Sitting up, hugging him. Crying into his chest.. SD put his arms around Nightmare. Hugging him, "Darling, if you needed a break from your gang you could have just told them. You didn't have to lock the AU, Dear.." Nightmare began crying even more, letting out choked sobs, sniffles and hiccups every once in a while, his voice cracking too.. "I-I dont k-know wh-what I W-wanted to -do! I d-dont wAnt a break fr-from my fAmily!" Nightmare was now crying harder than he was five minutes ago.. Squeezing SD. SD picked Nightmare up and lay him under the covers. Nightmare was slowly falling asleep. He was crying himself to sleep.

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