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3rd person pov:

A deafening noise drew the three from the almost heated conversation, resulting in Steven almost dropping the scarab.

"Don't fucking drop the scarab, Steven. Better yet, give me the body, and I'll check out the noise without dropping it." Marc demanded, to which Steven reluctantly agreed.

Another loud noise drew from the living room.

"Check the bloody noise out then."

"That's exactly what I'm doing, dipshit."

"Listen here, if anyone's the dipshit here, it's you-"

The sound of a window smashing cut Steven off.

Marc ran into the living room, instantly summoning his armour. He was greeted with the sight of a figure adorned in a mix of black fabrics wrapped around them, and armour with accents of gold. They had a black mask covering the bottom half of their face, with the top half not visible due to the hood. The figure wasn't too short, but the height was a dead giveaway that this wasn't Harrow; this was a woman.

"Hand over the scarab."

The figure draws closer, whilst Marc backs away slowly.

"What scarab?"

"You really gonna drag this out, huh?." He recognised that voice.

A dagger is summoned out of thin air from the figure, almost catching Marcs hand before he throws a punch. The figure dodges, and goes for a blow to Marc's chest which sends him staggering back into Steven's bookshelf.

Marc quickly recovered himself and stood up in a fighting stance, in complete confusion to who'd be after the scarab apart from Harrow and Ammit's worshippers. But this woman didn't look like either.

''Marc, she isn't with Ammit. But whoever she is, her power isn't stemming from herself. I can sense it.'' Khonshu reported, coming to a realisation as Marc and Steven came to the same conclusion. Whilst dodging another blow from the masked woman, Marc threw one himself, catching her off-guard and making her lose her balance.

''You're an avatar.'' Marc confirmed, in a state of both shock and confusion.

''Well done, Sherlock. Want a medal?" She remarked, landing a hard, low blow to Marc's legs from the floor, them instantly giving out underneath him.

"Bitch." Marc muttered, gritting through his teeth.
He attempted rise again, but the woman was too quick. She summoned a dagger, and pinned him down.

''I'm only going to ask you once more. Where. Is. The. Scarab?'' She cautioned, punctuating every word with movements of the dagger coming closer to Marc's neck.

'I'd recognise that voice from anywhere, Marc. It couldn't be?' Steven implored.

"Like I told you before. I don't fucking have it." Marc lied, trying to stall.

The figure leaned in closer as an act of intimidation, but with Marc having a suspicion of who it was, it made him feel something very different.

And as soon as she got close enough, Marc got the chance to grip the bottom of her mask and launch it across the room.

He was met with the eyes he had longed into many times before.

"Hi, Marc."
"Long time no see, old friend."

think of like a mix of these two with slight hints of gold & also i tried to find the best looking reference pics i could find because no one wants an ugly ass suit tf???

(A/N) HERE IS THE SUIT INSPO🫠think of like a mix of these two with slight hints of gold & also i tried to find the best looking reference pics i could find because no one wants an ugly ass suit tf???

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