The start of something new

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Two months later

J C - P O V

"Hey guys! It's Jc, and as you can tell I am in a hotel room with the guys, say hi guys." I turned the camera to the guys so they could say high. After they did a short hello I zoomed in on Kian who didn't say anything and was sitting down looking nervous as ever.

"As you can see Kian looks like a nervous reck, because he is a nervous reck. So, we are on tour right now and we are stopped in Hawaii for a break. Zo is downstairs by the pool with Bethany and we are up hear with Kian Getting him read and prepped. Once we get out there and downstairs to her... he is gonna ask her to be his girlfriend. And me being the Awesome guy I am, I decide to video tape it all and share it with you guys. sooooo here we gooo."


K I A N - P O V

I am nervous as fuck. What if she says no? What if she laughs in my face? She's gonna laugh in my face I just know it. God why did I decide to do this?

"Guys I can't do it." I confessed, " she thinks of me as just a friend and she has been since forever. I don't think it's gonna change in her eyes."

"Kian don't be stupid. She loves you as more than a friend. you can see it in her eyes and the way she acts when she is around you. You would be stupid not to notice." Connor smiled trying to give me words of encouragement.

"Do you really think so?" I questioned

"YES!!" They all yelled in unison back to me.

"Okay, then let's go."

Z O E Y - P O V

Bethany and I were sitting by the pool relaxing and taking in the sun. Hawaii is so nice. Why don't I live here?

My thought were interrupted when I heard Kians voice.

"Hey Zo." He said sitting down in the pool chair beside me. I noticed the guys were behind him with smirks on there faces and JC has his camera out video taping us.

"What's going on?" I ask sitting from my laying position.

"Well I need to ask you something." Kians face then got serious.

"Our whole life we had been best friends. Since the beginning." he started. "Along this ride we have gone through a lot of ups and downs, lefts and rights." A crowd of people, or should I say, other youtubers, started to gather around us. "We have had people come in and out of our lives but through it all you have stayed by my side with the title of 'my BestFriends' but after thinking long and hard about that. I realized BestFriend is the wrong title for you. For us even. I love you Zoey. and I don't want you to be my BestFriend. I want you to be my girlfriend..." he finished in a breath.

Oh my god, does he realize how long I have been waiting for him to say this? I love him so much but damn the guy is slow.

The smile on his face dropped and he put his head down in shame. I realized I didn't give him an answer and I'm sitting here with a blank face of shock. He probably thinks I'm saying no but I'm not.

As he got up to leave, I got up too and rapped my arms around his neck and gave him a big sloppy kiss in the lips. He was surprised at first but he soon started to kiss me back. the crowd started to cheer and clap. after about 30 seconds we pulled apart.

"I'm sorry if it seemed like I was saying no. I was just in shock! I have been waiting forever for you to say that to me Kian. Hell yeah I'll be your girlfriend!" I said and kissed him again. And this time he wasn't late to respond.

He detached our lips and grabbed something from Ricky. Marsaline Roses and nerds candy. He remembered.

Flash Back

Kian and I were walking down the board walk being that we are bored. It has become a tradition that we walk down the board walk when we are bored.

"Oh my gosh look at those roses!" I pointed to a bin of roses in a flower shop window. they were white but the tops of them are red.

"Those are so cool. what are they called?" he asked.

"I don't know, but they look like Marsaline the Vampire sucked the red out of them." He laughed at my reference to my favorite show Adventure time. "It is official, these are now my favorite roses, and I shall call them Marsaline Roses.

"If a guy ever tries to pursue me, he has to bring me these roses and nerds Candy, Cause I hate Chocolate."

"I never understood that." he stated " who hates chocolate?"

"Me." I said and we walked down the board walk some more.

End of flash back

"Oh my Gosh you remembered." I whispered cause this is to much to handle

"Of coarse I did babe, why wouldn't I." He said back with the same hushed tone I gave him.

And with that the crowd of people started to break off and get bacteria to there lives. And me and Kian are still standing here holding hands with big goofy smiles on out faces.

We were leaning in to kiss, and our eyes never leaving each other, but our gaze was broken when JC came up with his camera in our face.

"Okay guys! That's it for this weeks video. You saw it here first. The start of something new. The star of... Zoian? koey? I don't know, tweet what you think their ship name should be to the hashtag ZoeynKian." He then turned the camera to himself and said his goodbye while walking away, leaving me and Kian alone.

"I've been waiting for this for too long Kian. You have no idea." I said as we sat back down on the pool chairs.

"I have been too but, I've been scared that you would say no for some reason... but whatever. We are together now and that's all that matters baby."



Thanks for reading y'all

And tell me what you want the ship name to be cause I can't decide

Next chapter is gonna be present day. With the Kian And Jc channel. And the new house.





Do the splits


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