But that was my favorite vodka.

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"I think... I think I'm in love with you."

Hold the phone.


"What?" I questioned. This is very new, I would have never...ever guessed this. Ever.

"Never mind. I gotta go." She quickly ran out the room before I could even say a word.

I am so stooped right now. I am her best friend, why didn't she say this before? Why did she date and move in with JC? Why didn't she say this before? How couldn't I have noticed? Again, why didn't she say this before?

I have a headache.

Kian soon came back into the room with a bowl of progresso chicken noodle soup. My favorite for when I'm not feeling well. And he had a small frown on his face. I guess he heard the news too.

"Did you hear?" He said sadly, placing the tray of soup and crackers on my lap.

"Yeah. It's sad. They were so perfect. My only OTP." I took a big sip of the soup, not telling Kian about this new found admirer. "But you know, maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

"That sucks now. Me and JC planned so much couple shit that we can't do now."

"Like what."

"Stuff like, double dates, a double girlfriend tag on our channel, vacations, a foursome..."

"What?" I looked at him like he was crazy. Which he kinda is.

"I know right? Now he has to find a new girl so we could do it soon." He smirked.

"What! No Kian we are not having a foursome. Especial not with some random girl he picks up."

"I know, I know. I just wanted to lighten the mood. Ummm let's watch tv so we can get off this awkward topic." He said with a forced smile and grabbed the remote off the nightstand.

"Okay, but you brought it up, so it's not my fault."



"We're Breakin' free! We're soarin' flyin'. There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach! Nows the time! Nows the time. Yeah we're breakin' free." I look down at Zo to see that she has Fallen asleep while her favorite part of High school Musical came to an end. I reached over an turned off the tv.

I looked down at my beautiful Girlfriend and smiled down at her and whispered, "You know the world can see us... In a way that's, different from who we... Are..."

She really needs a break from all this. Slowly I shimmied out of the bed and made my way out the door and upstairs.

"Yo JC, we need to talk, like now." I walked up to him in the kitchen. "I'm taking Zoey out of town next week and I need the japan money. I wanna take her to Hawaii, to relax and be by ourselves."

"Do whatever the hell you want with that money dude, I don't want anything to do with it. I can't believe it dude, we dated for two years man." He shook his head and put a bottle of vodka to his lips. I realized now that he is drunk.

"Come on let's get you to bed-"

"Get the fuck away from me. I loved her Kian! I would've fuckin jumped off a bridge for that bitch and she goes and does this to me? Why me? Why me man. Why me." He falls on the ground and starts crying. Balling his eyes out. I went to sit by him and he leaned on my shoulder

And we sat.


I woke up with a creak in my neck. And a stiff back. And my butt hurts too. I looked at my surroundings and saw that I was in the kitchen floor and JC was sound asleep beside me. The bottle if vodka tipped over and vodka all over the floor. And that one was my favorite... Guess I'll have to buy a new one. I mean, get someone to buy it for me.

"JC, wake up." I whispered. No reply. "JC." I dragged out. Still no reply. "JC get the fuck up!" I yelled. He jumped up quickly and grappled his head, he is Hung over.

"What the fuck man? Shit my head hurts. Goddamn." He just kept murmuring curse words and got up and  walked away.

Well that was that. I got up and made my way downstairs to Zoey and I's room. She was still sound asleep. Looking beautiful as ever.

I'll go get breakfast. Even though it's already 12 pm, it's okay because Mcdonalds has breakfast all day now!
I grabbed my keys not caring what I'm wearing, I'm going through the drive thru anyway.



"Be carful babe."  Kian rushed over to me.

"Kian I'm fine I can walk up the stairs myself. I don't know if you knew this... But I've been walking since I was one.

"Okay, but if you get hurt, don't say I didn't! Say I didn't warn you!!" He attempted to sing Taylor Swift.

It's already been a week since the accident and I feel much better now. But Kian doesn't think so.

"Babe slow down. You don't need to walk so fast."

"Kian! I love you, but shut up. I am fine okay? When I need help I will tell you okay babe?"

"Alright.." He leaned in and gave me a slow but short kiss. "I love you."

We are on our way to go visit Lia in her new apartment. JC was invited to go too but he denied. He wasn't ready to see her.

I just hope things between her and I aren't awkward. I don't want to lose my best friend.


Hey guys
I'm sorry I have not updated in awhile but since school started I've been so busy. I'll try to update when I can!

Jump up and down
Clap your hands

Now, I'm gonna go get some hash browns at 2:30 pm.

Stay fabulous my friends.

A girl worth fighting forWhere stories live. Discover now