Someone please answer me.

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( A/N lets take a moment and just look at this flawlessness we call Zendaya. Also, would anybody want to make an edit of Kian and Zendaya? That would be awesome, you would be the real MVP honestly. But if you would, send me a message and we can chat this out. Also, read note at the end! It's very important!)


I've been walking around just the neighborhood for a while now, after my  second loop back to the house I decided  to leave the neighborhood. I know my neighborhood but I never really got to look around it since we moved here. Now seems like a good time. Right?

When I got to the end of the neighborhood I noticed that the road was very busy, car rushing everywhere. So I waited for a good time to cross the street. They should really consider a stop light or something here, or at least a sign to show drivers that pedestrians have the right of way.

When the road was clear I took my chance and crossed, successfully making it to the other side. Then I started my way up the hill to look around. I decided to walk to the direction the busy car went to. Because me being the nosy person I am, I had to go see what was going on.

On my way up a heard a lot of honking behind me and some swerves but I didn't think much of it and kept going. But I had to turn around when I heard a big crash and some crumbling. But the crash was closer, way closer, than I thought.

I turned around and before I had time to run, something came flying and knocked me down. And I flew across the side walk. My head hit the pavement hard. I noticed a shadow walking up to where I lay. But before I could lookup and see who it was my sight was consumed by white noise.



When I got home I rushed downstairs to look for my car keys. I through everything around looking for those. I heard some glass break when I tossed over a pile of dirty clothes I heard a crack and I'm pretty sure I just broke my secret bong. BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER RIGHT NOW.

I found my keys by my dresser under some papers and ran upstairs.

"Guysguysguysguysguys!!!! Zo is in the hospital and I need to go no. Meet me there if you want but I'm not waiting for you guys to put shoes on and shit. Bye." I then ran out the door to my car and sped off to the hospital. When I was about to drive out the neighborhood I looked up the hill and noticed three cars recked. I know that Zo would have gone up there to check it out. BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER RIGHT NOW.

My baby is hurt and in the hospital, she is my first priority right now.


"Kian... Kian... Kian"



"No. It's Dr. Bradshaw." I opened my eyes and was greeted by a young man (a very handsome young man I may add) in a white coat. The beeping of a heart monitor was heard and I realized I was I a hospital bed.

"What's going on." I sat up. I looked down and I was in the most ugly outfit ever. "Why am I wearing this?" I questioned. "Who put this on me? What happened?"

"Wow slow down Zoey. You just woke up. I don't know if you can handle all the questions just yet. You rest while I go and get the nurse to bring you your medicine and some food so you won't pass out." He walked towards the door. "And we called this Kian guy you kept calling in your rest. He is on his way I believe, when we called he didn't give an answer and hung up before our nurse could finish explaining what happened."

"What did hap-" before I could finish he had already walked out. Leaving me with my questions.

I was already missing my phone. I mean yeah, I did just wake up from some freak accident that I don't know of, but that doesn't mean I want to just mope around and feel sorry for myself. I NEED my phone.

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