Eddie Munson-You Need To Quiet Down Before We Get Caught.

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"Why do you keep looking at the door Dustin?" Eddie asks the freshman sitting at his table. "His sister is back in town." Mike says rather annoyed, "He has been looking for her all day." Mike adds.

"Why are you so eager to see your sister? Don't you see her everyday?" Eddie asks looking at Dustin confused. "Not really. She's the rebel. Mom and dad send her away to boarding school, and she just got expelled from Covington." And as if on cue, the door sings open, revealing a short curly haired chick. "So she's here to finish her senior year." Dustin finishes before getting up and catching her attention. Dustin's sister catches up to her little brother.

"Hey Dusty, I haven't seen you all day." She frowns hugging her brother. "Hey Mike. You're a freshman and now suddenly you think you're too good to say hi." She teases Mike. "Hi, Alex." Mike says laughing.

"So Dustin, you know it's rude to not introduce people." Gareth states. "Oh, right. Alex this is the Hellfire Club. You already know Mike, obviously, and this is our DL, Eddie." Dustin introduced them to her.

"Hi." She says shyly. "Everyone this is my sister Alex." Dustin says taking a seat having Alex sit next to Eddie. He steals a quick glance at her appearance before she takes a seat giving him a small smile. "So Alex, what class do you have next?" "Oh, uhm, English with Mr. Nichols."

"That's my next class too. I can walk you there if you like." Eddie states watching Alex's every move. He instantly grew a crush on her. There was something about her that he knew would take his breathe away. She also seemed like a metalhead too. She was sporting some ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of boots. To top it off, she was wearing an AC/DC shirt, covered by a leather jacket. "Wait, walk me there? Shouldn't you also be going to class?" Alex asks with a raised eyebrow.

Eddie wasn't sure if he should expose of his after lunch smoke sesh, but him second guessing himself was cut short when Alex moved to take her jacket off, sending a powerful smell of weed toward Eddie. "Well, I have my daily smoking session during that time." He says in a hushed tone. Alex was going to ask if she can join when Dustin cuts in. "Oh, tonight we have a D&D meet, do you want to come and watch?" Dustin questions. "Would I have time to run home and grab my book?"

"What book are you reading? If it's a good book to be reading while at my D&D game, then I can give you a ride home to pick it up." Eddie offers. "Aren't you reading Ender's Game?" Mike asks. "Are you stalking me Wheeler?" Alex asks. Mike blushes, "No, I just remember you reading it the last time I came over." "Why are you watching my sister like that?" "Why are you keeping tabs Wheeler?" Eddie and Dustin say in unison. "Okay, guys it's fine. He's in love with El." She teases Mike. Everyone around the table laughs. "To answer you're question Eddie, I'm reading Star Trek. Yes, I know I can watch it on TV, but I like to read it before hand."

"A fellow nerd. I will allow that." Eddie smiles at Alex. The bell soon rings after Alex's and Eddie's stare-down. "I'll see you around Dusty." Alex says giving her brother a hug and a kiss on the top of his head. "Do you know where you're next class is?" Mike asks. "Turns out bigger Henderson and I have the same class, I'll make sure she knows where it is." Eddie smirks throwing his arm around your shoulder.

Alex walks next to Eddie, noticing a lot of looks towards Eddie.

Alex's POV

"Eddie! Eddie, wait up!" I hear a cheery voice cut through the hall. Looking up at Eddie, he turns around, holding my hand in his, telling me to stop too.

"Hey Eds, are you going to your spot?" She's a cheerleader, and a blonde, with blue eyes. He gives her a small hug, still not letting go of my hand. "Yeah, we are. Why?" Eddie asks starting to walk towards the school doors. "I was wondering if you had any product you wanted to sell?" "Oh, okay." He sounds disappointed that's all she was wanting.

After walking through the woods, I see a clearing just past Eddie's figure. The three of us take a seat on the picnic table, Eddie sitting next to me and across from the blonde cheerleader.

"Hi, I'm Chrissy. That was a bit rude of me not introducing myself. You must be new to Hawkins." She says sweetly. "Hi, yeah-uhm, just transferred." Eddie puts a lunchbox on top of the table. "Her name is Alex, she's Henderson's older sister. So, Chrissy, how can I help you today?" "I can't sleep, and I really want to be able to sleep. Do you have anything that can help me?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Eddie slides a small bag over toward her, in return, she passes some money towards him. "Thank you, Eds. I'll see you around. It was nice meeting you Alex." Chrissy waves us a bye and she soon disappears walking back to school grounds.

"I was hoping we could get to know each other?" Eddie says sounding like a question more than it sounding like a statement. "Okay." I say watching him intently as he pulls a joint out from the lunchbox. "Dustin said that you were expelled from your other school." Rolling my eyes in a small response, "Is that true?" Eddie asks. "And why dies he need to open his mouth? But yes. It's true."

Eddie shifts so he's straddling the bench, completely facing me. I mirror his seating position, "Are you going to light it up, or are you just showing it off?" I ask nodding toward the joint. "And who says that I would be sharing with you?" Eddie asks with a smirk. "I'll ask nicely." I say batting my eyelashes. "Can I ask?" He said taking a big hit from the joint. I take the joint from between his fingers and wrap my lips around it, "For doing exactly this. There was an old building behind the school, and I would go there to smoke. It just so happened that the dean's snobby daughter caught me smoking." We pass the joint between each other.

"What time is it?" I ask. "Maybe, if you want, we can go to my house to grab my book." I suggest. I watch as his tongue slips past his lips. He licks his plump lips, "Lets go then." Eddie says, not even looking at his watch. Standing up and jogging over towards me, "Babe..." Eddie groans out slightly, taking his bottom lips in between his teeth. "Yes sweetheart?" Nodding my head toward the picnic table, "Your special box." "Shit." He jogs back to the table to get his box, giggling at his eagerness.

"Shit, my mom's home early." "I've met your mom before, she loves me." Eddie says wiggling his eyebrows. Letting a giggle fall past my lips, "Shut up. My bedroom window is the second one to the right." I wink at him. "You really are the rebel, huh?" I just simply nod my head. "I knew there was something I liked about you."

"Alex? What are you doing home?" "I'm grabbing a book for school." I shout out making my way up the stairs. 'There you are.' "Oh, were you waiting for me?" Clutching my hand to my chest I turn around to find Eddie standing in my room closing the door.

"What are you doing? I thought you were coming in through the window?" "I told you, your mom loves me. I just told her I was being nice and driving you, and I asked to use the bathroom." He points out simply. "Oh, well...have a seat." Eddie takes a seat on the corner of my bed, watching me intently. I walk out and close the bathroom door, walking back into my room quietly closing my door, "So, did you say you liked me?" Eddie stutters, "I mean, your pretty, and from what I can tell, we seem to be into the same things." He shrugs his shoulders. "Mhm."

Is all I say, before kneeling down in front of him, reaching to undo his belt. Tugging at his jeans. Revealing a rather hardened cock springing up. "Look who's a big boy." I state sticking my tongue out licking a strip from the bottom of his shaft to the top of his head. Eddie groans in response. "Jesus Christ."

Taking in his whole length into my mouth, hand snaking it's way to cup his balls. Coming up letting his length come out of my mouth with a pop. "What's the matter?" I ask looking up at him through my lashes. He huffs out a low chuckle, "Don't try and act innocent Henderson." He says through gritted teeth.

Taking him back into my mouth, rolling my tongue at the top of his length, he groans rather loudly, "You need to quiet down before we get caught." I whisper out, his only response was grabbing my head and bucking his hips into my mouth. The only sounds are now a low groan falling past his lips. "Fuck, Alex. I'm gonna cum." Within a few seconds, I feel the warm liquid coating the inside of my mouth.

"What was that for?" He asks tucking himself back in. "So you can tell how much I like you too." I smirk.

Joseph Quinn/Eddie Munson ImagesWhere stories live. Discover now