Eddie Munson-Will You Be My Queen?

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Third Person POV

"Hey, Steve, Robin has band practice today. What are you doing here?" Dustin greets him. "Hey Harrington." Eddie greets Steve too.

"Oh hey Eddie, look who's over by the door, she actually looks like she's coming over this way." Dustin laughs. "Who are you guys talking about? Does Eddie have a crush on someone? I thought it was Chrissy." Steve adds.

"Maybe, she's in my History and English class. She's pretty, and she seems nice." "Anything else you would care to add?" Steve inquires a bit with a serious note. "Is that a trick question?" Eddie challenges.

"Why do you care? Or is it you have a crush on her too?" Dustin nudges Steve's side wiggling his eyebrows at him. "Shhh...she's coming." Eddie shuts everyone up.

"Oh..uhm-hi." Y/N shyly comments to the three. "Hi!" Dustin says cheerfully. Eddie gives her a shy smile and a small wave, "Guys, this is my cousin Y/N."

"Oh, hi. If you mind me asking, why are you here so late into the year?" Dustin asks her. "Uhm-" "Go ahead and get into the car hun, let me say bye to them and we'll go home." Steve says cautiously.

"Her parents died, so we took her in. We're close. She's more like a sister to me. Munson, choose your next words carefully." Steve points over to him.

"How was your first day at school?" "It was okay, I guess. Everyone seemed nice enough. What about your day?" Y/N asks her cousin grabbing a bag of chips from the pantry. "Boring, do you want to watch a movie?" "I have some homework to do actually, but we can watch Top Gun after?" She suggests. "Okay, yeah."

"What's up Henderson?" Steve asks the young kid standing in front of his door. "Hey Steve, I was on my way home from playing D&D with Eddie and Mike, wanted to stop by and say hi." Dustin says with a cheeky smile. "I think she fell asleep, I haven't seen her." "What? No, no, no. I wanted to see you, silly." "Yeah, sure." Steve says rolling his eyes.

Dustin pushing right by him making his way to the couch, "Does she know about Vecna and the shit that has happened here?" Steve stands in the living room, actually thinking about Dustin's question. No, he has not told her exactly what has happened. "Should I? I mean we defeated Vecna, right?" "It's been like seven months Harrington. Has she asked what happened last year?"

"Not to me, no." Steve replies. Dustin opens his mouth like he's going to say something but is cut short to the front door opening, "What are you staring at?" Y/N asks the two sitting on the couch.

"I thought you fell asleep in your room." Steve says blankly. "No, you're the one that fell asleep on the couch. I just went over to the book store. Why do the two of you look like you've seen a ghost?" She asks. "No reason." Steve and Dustin say in unison. "Right, well, I'm going to go upstairs and read my new book."

The Next Day

"Hey, Y/N, come sit with us." Dustin says pulling her attention. As she walks towards the table she finds herself staring into big brown eyes. Eddie Munson. It seems like everyone else around disappeared. Feeling a hand tug you down, you're snapped back into the reality of Earth. "Hey guys, this is Harrington's cousin Y/N." Dustin announced.

"Hi." Y/N says shyly to the rest of the table. Her eyes look at everyone at the table, somehow finding them lingering mostly on the metalhead in front of her. Y/N is building some conversation with Mike and Dustin when she feels someone stand behind her. 

"You know a pretty girl like yourself shouldn't sit at the table with the freak as its king." A blonde guy says rather arrogantly. "Fu-" Eddie is cut off by her standing up with her bag over her shoulder, "And who exactly are you?" She questions. His smile slowly becoming smaller. "Jason. And you can come sit with me and my popular friends over there." "And what exactly makes you think that I want to go and sit with your friends?" Y/N asks. 

"You're a Harrington, and you're a very pretty girl." Jason replies taking a strand of y/h/c in his hand. "Your cousin was in the basketball team, he was part of the cool kids-" "Okay, well my cousin and I are two different people. And may I ask what's the point of you talking to me?" "Well prom is coming up and seeing how you're a Harrington, I thought it would only be fitting that you come to prom with the prom king himself." Jason says rather cockily. 

"Oh, that's too bad. But you see, I'm already going with someone else." You stand up from the table, sliding a wink over at Eddie.   "Well, I hope it's not with one of these losers. You won't get to win prom queen." Jason adds. Y/N stands next to Jason patting him on the shoulder, "I honestly wouldn't want to be your queen anyways." You reply. 

You decide to skip the rest of your classes. Walking out of the school doors headed towards the woods. Finding a table you decide to take residence for the rest of the day. Taking out a Star Trek book, you immerse yourself into the book. You soon hear some branches crunch, looking around you, there is no one nor nothing around. "Okay, just calm down. It's nothing." You tell yourself. 

Turning back around to face the book, you're met with the same big brown eyes you winked at earlier. "Jesus-" "No, that's not my name, unless you want it to be." He winks back. You blush at his statement. "Did you follow me out here?" "Yes and no. This is my escape." Eddie says pulling a joint from his box. Looking down at the small object in between his fingers, "Oh." Is all you manage to say. 

"So, can I ask you something?" Eddie says after a huff of the joint. Taking it from his hands, you take a puff, "Anything for you Eddie Munson." "Who is taking you to prom? When Jason asked, you said you were going with someone else." "You mean suggested? And well, I lied. But I really do hope he asks me, even though, I know it may not be his thing." "What's going on here?" You suddenly hear Steve's voice.   

"What are you doing here?" You ask passing the joint back to Eddie. "I've been sitting up front waiting for you." "What time is it?" Eddie asks getting up from the table." "3:30." Steve replies plainly. "Shit, I have to go. Time really does pass by when you're having fun." Eddie winks over. 

"You still didn't answer my question Munson." "Well, we were talking and getting to know each other more." "Over a joint?" Steve narrows his towards you. You simply shrug at him." "Well, actually like three joints, but my dear Steve, I was going to ask your cousin a question." 

"And what will that be sir?" You ask Eddie. "Will you be my queen and go to prom with me?" 

"I thought prom wasn't your things Eds?" Steve chimes in. "Why do you care Steve? He's not asking you to prom." You turn to look at Eddie, who is now standing in front of you, "Yes, Eds, I will absolutely go to prom with you."  

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