Joseph Quinn-The Mystery Girl

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Third Person POV

It was a nice cool fall evening, when Jamie Campbell Bower and Joseph Quinn were strolling through the streets of a small town just West of Atlanta. It was their day off from filming, so they wanted to see some towns in the area. They were enjoying the small downtown area.

"Hey mate, did you want some tea or coffee? There's a café across the street." Jamie asks Joseph. "Okay, sure." Joseph answers Jamie's question.

The pair stops and takes pictures with some fans, chatting up a small conversation with the group. "Is that coffee shop good?" Joseph asks pointing and looking towards the small café.

"Leaf and Bean? Yes, they're the best local café in town. They also have some pastries, and beers too." The girl answers. "That sounds great. Thank you girls." Jamie waves them off.

"You do know, those girls were saying bye to you, right?" Jamie asks a distracted Joseph. "Joe?" Jamie follows Joe's eyes to land on a brunette sitting outside the café drinking what looked to be coffee and reading a book.

"If you move your legs, we can walk there and maybe you can say something to her." Jamie pushes Joseph.

The closer they walk to the café, the better Joseph can see this brunette. While the pair are waiting to cross the street Joe seems like he cannot keep his eyes off her. He notices the rings on her fingers, how her curly hair seems to fall just at the small of her back. He notices the way the cardigan wraps around her body, her left leg crossed over her right.

"It's a good thing she can't see you. It's a little impolite to stare Joe." Jamie makes fun of him. "Or is it that you're too awestruck?" He once again teases him.

As soon as they cross the street, she seems to be getting up, gathering her purse, her book, and her coffee cup. She glances to the boys' direction, giving them a smile.

Joe stops walking for what felt like twenty minutes, for it to only be one second. Her piercing brown eyes looking right into Joe's. He gives her a smile back as he felt Jamie elbow him on the side.

Looking back at Jamie, Joe opens "I seen her, and I smiled back at her." "Yeah, after I brought you back to Earth Joe." Jamie laughs. Much to Joe's dismay, the brunette was gone. "Don't worry, darling, you'll see again." Joe gives Jamie a knowing look, hoping that will be true. And little did he know, it was going to come true, in a few seconds time.

"Hello, welcome to Leaf and Bean." The ladies behind the counter welcomed the pair. "Hello." They both said in unison.

"Another one?" "Yes, please." The brunette answers the lady at the coffee machine. "Are you ready to order, or would you like a moment to look at the menu?" An older lady asks them. "A moment to look at the menu please." Joe answers standing next to the brunette.

"What do you recommend?" Joe asks the brunette. "If you like lattes, I would recommend the vanilla latte. This is actually my second cup." She smiles brightly at him.  "I'll have the vanilla latte, please." He speaks up to the older lady.

"I'm J-" He was met with an empty spot next to him when he turned back around to where the brunette was standing. Her perfume still lingered in the air next to him.

"Come on mate. We have to get back to the trailers tonight. We start filming again early. Did you get her name?" "No. She was gone when I turned around." Joe told his best friend.

Andie's POV

"Okay guys, I'll be back." I say to my sister and our roommate.

"Is filming today?" Lance speaks up from the kitchen. "Yes, sir."

"I think its cool that your best friend and my sister will be on the set of Stranger Things." Nicole says running up to me. "Maybe she'll get to meet her crush, Joseph Quinn." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

Grabbing my purse and car keys from the kitchen counter, I leave with a cliff hanger, "Uhm-I, actually kind of already met him." As I leave the apartment I hear both of them say "What? When?"

Laughing I make my way downstairs and into my car. In no time I am entering the parking for the extras. "Hi, I'm here for the hospital scene." "Make-up and wardrobe are the to the left of the set, the snack and coffee table are to the right of the set."  "Great! Thank you so much!" After thanking security at the gate, I make my way to get ready.

"Okay, sweetheart, you're all set." The make-up artist tells me. Waving a thank you, I head over to the coffee table.

"Oh my god, did you hear? There's going to be one extra filming the scene with Jamie and Joseph. How do you think they're going to pick?" I overhear the group of girls. I smile to myself remembering how cute Joseph was yesterday.

It felt as if every time he looked at you he look like he was in awe. "Good morning love, how are you?" I hear a familiar British accent. "I'm doing good, how about yourself darling?" Finally looking up from my coffee cup, to only freeze in place.

"Hi." "Hi." I let out a giggle, seeing confusion and excitement written all over his features. "You're here. On set." "Yes. We never got to formally meet yesterday at the café. I'm Andie." I smile extending out my arm. "I'm J-Joseph." He chuckles out.

"Joe mate, I'm sure she knows your name, I mean she's here on set with us. Hi, how-wait you're...she's the...café....yesterday." Jamie points to me looking at Joseph. "Right." Joseph simply states. "It's okay, don't be mean to him." I let out a small giggle as I lay my hand on Joseph's shoulder. "See, she's on my side." Joseph winks at me.

"Great work everyone!" The Duffer brothers call out to everyone. "That wraps today up. Thank you to the extras and Miss Ortiz for being in this scene." Everyone cheers on and we all start to make our own way.

"Hey darling, what are doing tonight?" "To be honest, probably just going to that café in town and read my book. Would you like to accompany me?" I ask him with a smile on my face. 

"I would love that actually. May you give me your address that way I can pick you up in a few." Joseph smirks at me. 

Joseph Quinn/Eddie Munson ImagesWhere stories live. Discover now