Joseph Quinn- Happy New Year

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Waking up in the morning before Joe was always a treat. You admire the way the little ray of sunshine beams through a small crack in the curtain. The way it highlights his features. You plant a soft kiss to his lips careful to not wake him. You slide out of the bed grabbing his shirt from last night to wear over your exposed body.

Walking downstairs to the kitchen, you start to prep up some coffee. Walking to the living room to turn the record player on to a low volume to not wake Joseph. Once a soft tune comes through the speaker you start to sway your hips. Basking into the tunes and lyrics you get into your own world.

"Baby, you are the love of my life." You hear Joseph sing behind you as his arms find their way to your waist, hugging you close against him.

"Baby, you're the love of my life." You sing back to him, now turning to face Joe. "Good morning handsome."

"Good morning baby girl. You sleep okay?" "Mhm. Sleeping next to you, I will always sleep good." You kiss him. "Stop being so cheeky." Joe huffs out a laugh. "C'mon, coffee should be ready."

Joseph picks you up bridal style and walks over to the kitchen. He sets you down on top of the counter and prepares both coffees. "How did I ever get so lucky to have you." You say eyeing him. Joe moves to stand in between your legs handing you your coffee. "Do you have any plans with your parents for New Year's?" "No, not really." "What did you have in mind babe?" "Jamie called last night inviting us to hang out with him and Jess for New Year's." Joe turns around to face you. Handing setting on your thigh, while the other is still holding onto the coffee mug. You giggle, "What? Why are looking at me like that?" You put your cup down, resting your arms over his shoulders.

"Because they went head and bought us the plane tickets...and maybe they went ahead and reserved a room." Joe trails off. "Joe." You drag out the last letter. "The flight leaves at one today." He winces under my glare. "Joseph Anthony Quinn." Joe starts to run away from you and toward your shared room of your apartment. "Oh no, you're not getting away the easily." You jump off the counter running after Joe, barging into the room. "Whe-" You suddenly feel a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around your waist picking you up off the floor and thrown onto the bed.

"I did get off easy." Joe says wiggling his eyebrows. "God I love you. You're so fucking beautiful." Joe says hovering over you. Bottom lip caught between his teeth. "I love you, Joseph Anthony Quinn." You pull him down by his chains and plant a kiss to his lips.

"As much as I love being cuddled up to you, we should start packing." Joe gives your lips a quick peck. "Where are they? I seen they were snow boarding." "Oregon. I told Jamie we were in Atlanta celebrating Christmas with your parents." "Hey babe?" You start to walk backwards into the bathroom, Joseph turns around putting the luggage on the bed looking at you. "Do you want to save water and shower?" You ask pulling his shirt over your head throwing the piece of clothing at him.


"We just pulled up at the airport now. Why are you asking me, you bought the ticket." Joe laughs. "I can't keep up with everything Quinn. I am holding onto the ring." Jamie says through the phone's speaker. "Were you talking to us or to Jess?" You ask as Joe holds your hand. "Oh hey bug. I wasn't aware I was on speaker. Oh no, I was talking to Jess. She says hello by the way bug." "Say hi back!" "Okay, well we should be getting there around seven, gives us time to eat together." "Yeah mate, see you guys here!" Jamie ends the call. "Are you two plotting a secret marriage? Can I be the flower girl?" You ask Joe with hopeful eyes. "Fuck off." Joe laughs. "C'mon love, remember, if your anxiety gets a little too much just squeeze my hand okay?" The only answer you give him is a peck to his plump pink lips.

Joseph Quinn/Eddie Munson ImagesWhere stories live. Discover now