Sweet Beginnings

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Scarlett Esme Evans never knew her dad, according to her mum he had been a one night stand, obviously this isn't something you'd expect a 11 year old to know. But Mary Evans and Scarlett were close like that, there wasn't much they didn't tell each other. But when, on February 14th came around and Scarlett had not received a letter, Mary assumed foolishly that her father did not give her the wizard genes.

However this was proven to be completely false, in July a brown owl interrupted their quiet breakfast by dropping a huge heavy letter onto the table and flying away. Scarlett just knew her life would never ever be the same. Mary realised then that she had been wrong.

Her gorgeous red haired daughter grew increasingly more like Lily everyday and Mary knew she had made the mistake falling in love with that wizard 12 years ago because now Scarlett was dragged into the same mess Mary's sister was all those years before.Scarlett ripped open the letter and began to read

Hogwarts school of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of merlin, first class, Grand sore,. Chf. Warlock, Supreme,
Mugwump, International Confed. Of wizards)

Dear Ms Evans,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later
than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Scarlet's eyes grew wider with surprise as she read the letter and once she was finished, she looked up at her mum's expression to see if it was just a silly joke, but instead her mum was smiling at her brightly. Infact her mum was over the moon, she knew that she'd miss Scarlett but she knew that she'd do great things.

"Witchcraft and Wizardry? That's a funny joke" Scarlett giggled.

"No honey, it's real. My sister went there and so did your dad, I just never said anything because it hadn't seemed right to..." Mary's voice was soft and assuring as she spoke in a slow clear tone.

Scarlett wasn't mad, no 11 year old would be, she was so excited that she shoved her chair she sat on out the way and began to jump up and down clutching the letter in a tight grip.

"I'm a witch!!" She was absolutely ecstatic and could not stand still even as her mum tried to hush her. It was no use at all, Scarlett had no need to understand how she became a witch; she just wanted to be a witch.

On September the first, Scarlett and her mother held hands as they walked through the train station to platform 9 ¾, which they had absolutely no clue how to get onto, like when they attempted to purchase all her books.They stood in between platforms 9 and 10, completely confused.

"Mum?" Scarlett asked, completely confused.

In return, Mary simply shrugged looking around. They had no instructions on what to do to get onto the platform, but they were not silly enough to ask a muggle for directions.

The two stood awkwardly in between platform 9 and 10 glancing around in confusion, until 3 figures approached, a man, a woman, and a lanky boy with the softest tufts of brown hair. The woman looked happy, and sure of what she was doing and the man just the same except he looked overly proud as he pushed his son closer to where Scarlett stood with her mum.

When Scarlett had first seen the boy he looked happy and most certainly a wizard, but now when she caught his eye it looked as if he had never been here before, almost as if he was worried.

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