The End Is Near

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Chapter 8.

The suggestion of pranking Snape never became a reality until the twins managed to bargain with a 6th year for a hexed book during their spring break.

Easter had come around like a letter flowing in the wind, a subtle and relaxing pace. The weather still drizzly grey and cold with occasional sunny days that still manage to stay chilly and windy.

School was quiet, Scarlett got on with her studies and did well in all her subjects, the same going for most of her friends.. Besides fred and george 'goofball' weasley. Although, one morning Scarlett walked to breakfast to find the boys missing from breakfast. After taking rushed directions from Angelina, Scarlett, intrigued, found the boys crowding over a book in the courtyard instead of eating their breakfast, which in scarletts opinion was a no-go.

"What are you 5 boys doing crowding a manky old book instead of meeting me for breakfast." Scarlett asked the 5 boys, shaking her head as she spoke.

Cedric, Lee and Treyton turned around, but the twins were captivated by the book, making it clear to Scarlett that it was a mischievous discovery of theirs.

"Morning Scarlett, it seems you've woken up on the wrong side of the bed," Treyton laughed, Lee joining him in the laughter.

"Oh, well when you disappear and rob me of my breakfast especially when I wake up this early, you have to understand why i'm not very happy." Scarlett said, sighing and then joining them to look at the manky old tattered book.

She reached out to grab the book when all of a sudden all 5 boys in some way pulled her away with it, shouting at her in various ways and all she could manage to pick out of their mess of words was "dont touch!" or "No!" which didn't exactly get her anywhere.

"Does someone want to explain this ugly book?" Scarlett retreated away from the book as she spoke.

"It's hexed, if you touch it with your bare hands it explodes and you end up with gruesome green spots!" Fred or George, Scarlett wasn't quite sure how to tell the difference between the two from behind. T

The group spent the rest of the morning discussing how they would get it to snape without being noticed and then decided that they would be using scarlett for most of the prank.

Scarlett's mum had sent Scarlett the answers to why snape was so rude to her and scarlett felt so silly for not noticing it before, she never told the boys but it was due to her familiar appearance to her aunt lily, and the two had had some sort of friendship in the past, but now Scarlett knew of this, she'd be able to bring it up to gain extra time if necessary to distract the grumpy man.

She wasn't too much of a fan for pranks, but she was definitely a fan of getting snape back for being rude to her in the past, maybe she'd mention ebeneezer massachusetts in the future...

The plan was set, and the group of 6 descended down the stairs to the potions classroom each footstep echoing through the dark and dingy corridors.

Professor Snape was perched angrily in his classroom, sitting in a chair. Scarlett gulped, knowing her part of the prank was not so easy.

She entered the classroom hesitantly, and Snape's eyes turned to look at her.

"Professor snape, I'm sorry to be a bother but I was wondering if you would be able to help me with something..." She started, almost shaking as she walked towards him.

He did not respond, he simply raised an eyebrow at the girl intimidatingly, almost threateningly the more she hesitated.

"Right, well actually someone left this glass cup by my bed and I thought I should have you look at it, I obviously wouldn't drink it but you know..." She said, trying her absolute hardest not to stammer and throw away the fact that the glass cup was actually just full of water and some swirled in herbs she had stolen.

"I suppose.. I could take a look. But only on this occasion I will not be bothered by you again over such foolish things." He said, picking up his harsh act as usual.

He snatched the glass from Scarlett sitting it down on the table, and she clasped her hands as she waited for him to return from wherever he had stormed off to.

When she heard his footsteps coming back, she picked up the glass and began her act of pretending to inspect it

Snape approached, slamming down materials on the table and reaching to snatch the glass again, when Scarlett 'accidentally' slipped the glass over, spilling its contents all over Snape and letting it fall into a million pieces on the floor.

"You foolish girl. Look at what you have done!" He fumbled for his wand to fix it, and when he couldn't find it, stormed out of the room. Scarlett scurried behind him and he began to shout things about points from Gryffindor, but she wasn't paying attention. She was too busy signalling for the twins to run into the classroom with the book.

Treyton and Cedric waited for her behind a corner and she passed them the wand she had stolen from Snape, they then walked in the direction of Snape to return it to him as if it had been dropped.

The plan truly was genius. Far too easy to do, Snape could have simply summoned his wand but having dirt water thrown on him seemed to have angered him a bit too much.

The twins met her at the corner and she was no longer alone.

Nothing was said about the prank after it was complete, the group went back to their evening lives and it wouldn't be until the morning that they saw the effects of their silly little prank.

Scarlett as usual woke up fashionably late and because of this, for the second time she walked into the great hall and did not find the boys.

She angrily scoffed a slice of toast and began the lonesome walk to the transfiguration courtyard. Scarlett was approaching the courtyard and was walking towards her friends when just as she was about to step onto the grass she was pulled back by a strong hand. She was surprised she never got whiplashed by the action, being dragged backwards by the neck isn't how she planned the day to go.


"Haha! did you not see his face?!" Fred looked way too proud of himself

"See his face? Did you see his hands?" George giggled back

"On and the look on his face when his gloves fell off!" Treyton winked at Scarlett, since it was her fault the gloves came sliding off.

Scarlett felt her soft cheeks heat to a Scarlet colour and looked at her feet feeling a suge of mortification rumble through her, although she enjoyed the satisfying sensation. Scarlett forced herself to look up at the twins and throw an attempt at herself to pretend she wasn't embarrassed in any way whateversover .

This worked splendidly and the thoughts left her mind immediately. They all then left for dinner in the great hall and Scarlett could not wait to fill her empty stomach with the tasty goods that awaited her. She rambled on to Cedric about her day and he of course listened to her nonsense and these small moments made her appreciate their special friendship so much more.

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