Wrapping Arms Around His Neck

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February 14th. Commonly known to many as valentines day. However, this day was different. Coincidently, her birthday fell on that day.

She awoke to Pluto sprawled out on her head, attempting to munch on her red hair. Shaking the cat off, she sat up in her bed to see a banner hanging from the posts of her bed, the words 'Happy birthday' written in bold.

Scarlett got dressed and left her dorm to go to the common room.

Fred and George were sitting on sofas in the corner of the common room with a few presents sitting next to them, and she found herself joining them. When she sat on the sofa next to them a pop was heard above her and confetti came rushing down, getting stuck in between her hair.

"Oh.. is it someone's birthday?" George asked, pretending to be oblivious.

"I'm not sure Georgie, but whoever set up that confetti explosion are handsome geniuses." Fred said, playing along with their joke.

"Haha, very funny boys. Oh uh, did my mum owl?" Scarlet asked.

"We sent Cedric down to check." Fred said smiling.

When Cedric came back with Lee Jordan at his side and a box in his hands, they burst out laughing at her hair.
"Wow.. I never knew hogwarts rained rainbow on valentines day..." Lee teased, and the group laughed.

Her gifts consisted of books, school supplies and wizarding items she'd missed out on as a kid.

Her mum had sent her a huge envelope with a parcel attached to it.

"Happy birthday.

Wow, honey, you're 12 already, I can still remember sending you to lily's house when you were little and you'd come back so hyper I wouldn't be able to get you asleep.

It's weird not having you around for birthdays but work is busy anyway, so i'm glad you're with your friends.

I sent some more casual clothes and 2 of my favourite romance novels. I'm sure wizard clothes and books are now so much more spellbinding to you now (see what i did there) but I thought you might want to keep a part of your life the same.

Oh! And Check the back of this letter for a cake recipe.. I'm sure if there's a kitchen it's break-in-able.

Enjoy, love mumsy."

She smiled as she read, missing her mum as well.

She thanked all four boys appropriately, giving them each a hug. Making a mental note to remember to thank her mum.

They ate breakfast which was served with bacon, fried eggs and toast. Sadly there was no fried mushroom left to nick, as Scarlett was busy upstairs celebrating her birthday with everyone, but it was worth being late.
At separate tables, Fred and George turned to her.

"So.. we have reason to believe little old mary wants us to make cake?"

"Reason being we read the letter."

The twins said pulling their usual sentence finishing trick.

"Yeah, but we don't have to.." Scarlett trailed off.

"Oh don't be silly we all will." Cedric said, shocking her as he stood behind her, a hand on her head.

"Wait... are you related to Lily and James potter, or is the ginger unrelated...?" George asked, holding the letter.

"Yeah. I am. She was my auntie, it's not that interesting.." She said, expecting them to offer her their pity.

"Wicked. Can we meet harry?" Fred and George asked in unison.

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