The Massachusetts Boy

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Scarlett ran in a complete daze not knowing where she was going and very unaware of the time. When she lay her eyes on the girls logo sign to the washroom. She never felt more grateful! She just prayed that no one was in there...
Scarlett slammed the ancient door open and it swung shut behind her. She raced into the first cubicle she set her eyes on. It was all Massachusetts boys' fault!

After about 5 mortifying minutes she reluctantly sat up and flushed the vomit down the toilet. Warm tears slowly began to fall down her already tear-stained cheeks. Scarlett then buried her face in her sweaty palms trying to hold in her cries smudging her mascara.

"Pathetic." she whispered to herself quietly with a croaky voice. How could she let this happen? How could she let this boy trample over her like that?

She knew that the boy was only spitting out whatever insult he could come up with, but she was still only 11, only a little girl and she was angry.
Scarlett finally gave into her tears and sat uncomfortably as the tears soaked her neck which then fell onto her collar.

She didn't think that anything else could embarrass her more until she heard the washroom door swing open.

The unknown person that entered the bathroom walked over to the sink and was probably fixing her makeup. However Scarlett could not keep in her cries. Accidentally she let out a whimper.

"Is someone in there?" the girl asked.

Scarlett stayed silent, not wanting to answer the girl. Her voice was smooth with a streak of sympathy in it.

"If you don't come out, I'll have to inform the professors that someone is skipping classes in the washroom." this time she sounded more serious.

"Fine, your call." she said as Scarlett heard her footsteps going towards the door.

"Wait!" Scarlett said in the quietest voice she could muster."
She could almost see the smile on the girl's face.

She couldn't get in big trouble, not on her first week.

"I'm waiting." she said almost in a tease.

Scarlett sat up off the toilet seat, collected her things and wiped her eyes and nose. Next she slowly
turned the lock on the cubicle door. When it opened she saw a dark haired girl with pale skin and grey eyes.
"Hi." Scarlett said unsure.

"Hi?" she replied.

Scarlett wiped her nose.

"Are you okay?" She asked her to be as nice as she could.

Scarlett nodded.
"I'm Babette Oboe.  What's your name?"

"Em Scarlett, Scarlett Evans."

She paused to look at her for a moment.

"Here Scarlett, your mascara is smudged."

Babette picked up a white cloth and ran it under the cold water. Then she rinsed the water out and walked over to Scarlett. She began to wipe under Scarlett's eyes to get rid of the mess under it.

"There. Now you look beautiful." she looked at her

Scarlette tried to smile but her mood was clearly opposite from babettes.

"Right well, if you're upset again, come straight to me, I'm a first year too but i'm always happy to help." She grinned at her.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Scarlett asked, confused.

"Because us girls better look after each other, right?"  Babette then patted her shoulder.

There was a pause, and Scarlett found herself smiling to herself.

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