Happy Halloween

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Time at Hogwarts passed quickly because of how much it felt like a true home.

Scarlett had forgotten all about the events from her first week, it never even crossed her mind anymore, she supposed she had been overly sensitive in the moment.
The bright morning of halloween Scarlett strutted into the great hall like a model earlier than fred and george, waiting for the owls to deliver the letters, hoping that her mum had sent her a letter like she did every 3 weeks.
The owls came earlier than usual, because it was Halloween which worked in Scarletts favour. She almost grabbed the letter from the owl before it dropped it down on the table in excitement. She opened the letter, it was obvious from the handwriting it was from her mum.

"Dearest Scarlett.

Happy halloween darling, it's very lonely without you home still but I've started a new job in London. And guess what? I'm going on a business
Trip to France at christmas, but it pays so well. I know this will disappoint you, and if you don't have anyone to stay with you over christmas then I'll put down the offer. I'm very excited for it, though I'm sure Hogwarts is far more exciting than my magic-less life.
If you look for it, I'm sure you'll find Lily's memories in the castle. She was so fond of it.
I'm so glad you've made friends. They sound like a good sort of boys, even if they are a little daft.
Oh! And could you send me what you want to give them for Christmas before the end of November? That would be great, just leave me some time to pick the gifts up and send them to you.
I'm still getting used to these owls but Amos has been sending me letters to explain things.
Miss you loads


Scarlett smiled at her mothers usual enthusiasm, folding over the letter and putting it into her robes pocket. She then began to eat her breakfast.

There was no denying it, she was disappointed that she couldn't go home for Christmas especially since Fred and George would be going home. But her mum seemed very happy about her business trip so Scarlett would write back assuring her that it was fine and figure it out from there.

Scarlett was almost done with her breakfast when the twins joined her, calling Cedric over to sit at their table.

The twins and Cedric were not her only friends anymore, she was friends with Angelina Johnson and the rest of the Gryffindor girls in her dorm and she had made quite good friends with Lee Jordan, the twins' friend.

Cedric had hufflepuff friends of his own, but she only knew one of them well. His name was Treyton, he was shorter than Cedric but he was almost as hilarious as the twins and shared her love for herbology.

Her group of friends in Gryffindor and Cedric spent more time at the table talking about the halloween feast and festivities than eating that morning, everyone was so excited. It's not everyday you spend your halloween in a spooky castle with your friends.

"Scarlett... if we don't leave now for Charms we'll be late" Cedric said, interrupting Scarletts thoughts.

She noticed that the hall was clearing and quickly chugged the rest of her pumpkin juice before they took off on a brisk walk to charms.

"Oh red and ced, you two are such goody two shoes." Fred teased.

"Yeah, loosen up or you'll waste your time here!" George added.

Scarlett found it funny how they took turns speaking the same thoughts.

"Red? Why do you call her red?" Cedric asked, confused.

"Well you see Ceddy-pie.." George began pausing when Cedric sent him a glare for the hideous nickname.

"Scarlett is red and she's got red hair. But more importantly, it rhymes with ced and fred. Leaving George all on his own" Fred finished for him, laughing and sticking his tongue out at george.

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