My Hero

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Scarlett's eyes fluttered open with excitement as she had already begun dreaming about the day ahead. It was Christmas eve and her time at Hogwarts was flying by. She'd had some rough times but she was so thankful for her cedric that was ever so kind to her. She wondered if he'd gotten her anything as she'd gotten him a cost hufflepuff scarf and gloves.

"Okay right enough sweet thoughts" Scarlett said and hopped out of bed and squeezed her toes into her silky slippers. She ran for the window and it was such a rush of joy to see it was snowing.

"Angelina!" Scarlett squealed, saying a random name of one of the girls in her room "It's snowing! Snow! Come see"

Angelina was now at the window and her eyes lit up with happiness as it was snowing. They both just knew their day ahead would be filled with fun in the snow since there were no classes on christmas eve.

"Look Scarlett, there's Hagrid and oh, my what is that he's carrying?"

To what Scarlett saw it looked as if Hagrid was carrying a giant christmas tree over his shoulder and dragging it over in the snow.

"Woah would you look at that! He's carrying a big christmas tree!" Scarlett exclaimed

"Wasn't there already a big tree in the courtyard?" A girl in their bed asked and it looked as if she was still thinking about a dream she just had.
"Yeah but remember some random group of 5th years in slytherin thought it'd be funny to drag the Christmas tree down? Guess they're getting a new one. The last one must have been a state after it fell."

"Well, where the hell are they gonna find a place to plank that big beast!" One of the other girls said that was just in bed ten seconds ago.

Scarlett smiled and said "its hogwarts i'm sure they'll find a place for it"

A bright lightbulb appeared over Scarlett's head. "Do you think we could ask Hagrid if we could help decorate it!?"

"Oh my god that's a great idea!"

"I'm gonna go wake up ced and see if anyone else wants to come so let's all meet in the courtyard in 30 mins, all wrapped up and prepared to decorate the tree, that way Hagrid will find it impossible to say no to us."

"Okay right i'll help get the rest of the girls up too"

Scarlett ran down the stairs and exited the dorm to find Cedric, as she had no idea where he was. And as she opened the door to exit and out to the moving staircases that she still wasn't used to she saw Cedric making his way over to the dorm.

"Where were you going?" Scarlett asked cedric

"To come find you, obviously"

"Were you actually gonna go inside the dorm?"


"Do you even know the password this week?„ Scarlett sighed.

"Pig snout" Cedric whispered

"You're gonna get caught one of these times" Scarlett rolled her eyes.

Surprisingly Cedric was in his pyjamas so Scarlett assumed he woke up and was thinking about her then just set off to find her like in a movie. Scarlett had never seen cedric in his pyjamas before, he was wearing a blue top where he had rolled up his sleeves and matching blue trousers not really something you'd call 'cool' it almost looked like a ladies nightdress so scarlett looked him up and down then decided to give him a wee cheeky comment on them.

"Nice nightgown" Then she smirked and pulled him by the wrist back into the common room and told him all about the plan about the last minute tree and then Scarlett told Cedric to go get changed so he did and she did too.

Her and the HufflepuffWhere stories live. Discover now