I Need Him

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Scarlett awoke to another day in her gryffindor dorm room. As she looked to the side of her room she noticed the mess of it. From her birthday of course. Her birthday banner that once hung for her bed posts was now laying on the floor as if it had been stomped on for a millenium.

Confetti was everywhere and lots of mess from herself and other girls. On a usual day Scarlett would normally roll over and wait for one of the girls to call on her to wake up but today was not usual.

Scarlett felt awfully confident when she woke, most likely because of the joyful day that took place yesterday or because of the wonderful day that lay ahead.

Since Scarlett was feeling self assured she was going to put this strange mood swing to use! She decided to get up and tidy the clutter that was situated around the room. Well the things that she could get rid of. It took her longer than expected as there was confusion on what she was actually supposed to be doing and what led her to this mindset but she persevered and was actually feeling quite pure.

However she noticed the other girls were still in bed. Scarlett then decided to go for a quick steamy shower and get dressed into her castle robes. She didn't have enough time to wash her hair, dry it and then style it nice so she was forced to put it up in a ponytail.
Scarlett swiftly applied her daily mascara, powder, blush and touched up her face with other miniature amounts of makeup, attempting not to look like a try hard. Especially since she was a first year.

Alas as she was nearly finished the other girls rose from their beds half asleep.

"Oh? Is the room always this tidy?" One of them yawned with one eye open and one shut.

"No Clarrisa, I tidied it for once!" Scarlett answered with a sense of pride in her voice.

Clarrisa raised her dark brow at her in disbelief before kicking her legs for within the covers and stepping out of her bed. As the girls dressed Scarlett made her way down to the main hall to be served her hot breakfast she was dying to feast on.

When she was almost there she heard that familiar warm voice rise from behind her. It was Cedric.

"Wait up!" He shouted.

Scarlett turned round and saw a happy Cedric doing a light jog so that he would catch up with her.

"Good morning." Scarlett replied smiling as he caught up with her.

"What are you doing up early?" He questioned as they walked in unison.

"Dunno just woke up and decided to get ready."

Cedric looked at Scarlett as if he was unconvinced but dropped the conversation and opened a new one.

"Excited for breakfast are we?"

"You know I always am." Scarlett laughed as Cedric was really getting to know her and her love for food.

They chatted for a while until they reached the main hall and rapidly helped themselves to food as their stomachs groaned loudly.

Scarlett felt relieved when the bacon hit her tongue and she would no longer starve. She then popped the hole in her fried egg and dipped her pork sausage into it, soaking up all the yolk from her perfectly cooked egg.

She peered over at Cedric to see what he was indulging in and was surprised to see a croissant with butter and jam slapped in between it.

"Cedric, why order that when you can have this whole plate of wonders every single morning?" She asked half serious, not really caring what he was eating.

"Because it's good." He said leaning over to get a napkin to wipe his lips trying not to give her the response she wanted.

Before they could continue their casual conversation the twins banged down in front of them sliding in their trays with barely any food on them and their hair looking like a riot. Meanwhile Cedric always styled his hair perfectly however the twins didn't bother their backsides.

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