Chapter 5

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I return to the hospital were Christina Is being held and I hesitantly walk Into Christina's hospital ward seeing a pale and coma Induced Christina who looks like she has been hit by a bus. I sit beside her and grab her hand and have a somewhat conversation with her.

"So, Christina.. How have you been?"

"I guess you've been REALLY tired since you have been.... In.. an.. Induced coma for 3 days now ha ha, did you see what I did there"

"Of course you didn't, you're In a bloody coma because of me, and because I didn't react quick enough to Uriah's attack"

"Anyway, If you can't tell I have been visiting you every time I can, which basically everyday since I have no friends and no social life."

"Soz about what Is the sad in tell that Is my life"

"Well I have to go , same time tomorrow? anyway I will see you tomorrow, I love you"

I kiss her forehead and walk towards the door and hear a flat line and I turn around to see Christina not breathing and not having a pulse. I run to wards her and scream for help.

"HELP! HELP!, she Isn't breathing" I run to Christina and ramble a bunch of stuff while getting very teary.

"Christina, come on you can do It be brave, I know you can you're tough, you know you are you made It through dauntless training and your loss of Will and her. Please, please don't leave me, I need you"

Before I can continue the nurses run In and take me away.

"No, No, I promised I would stay with her and never leave her, please don't take me away, she needs me and I need her, she's my best friends, and all I have left to look forward to when I get up.... please" I relax my muscles and let the security guards take me to the guest area.The curtains then close and I can no longer see Christina and the group of nurses working on her.

I wait there In anticipation for hours and hours and hours. Finally the curtain opens with a nurse taking of her gloves.

" How, how Is she" I ask trembling

" She had sever injuries to her lungs and heart, so"

"SO what" I say restlessly

"She couldn't be saved, I'm so sorry."

"What do you mean you couldn't save her?"

"She was deteriorating too fast and was to weak too be stabilized, I'm so.. sorry"

Suddenly I feel my legs shake, then my hands then my chest. I fall down and my eyes slowly shut. I don't know what too say. She's gone.

I wake up In a hospital bed feeling heavy like I am carrying the world on my shoulders. I am so sad but sooo angry. I have to find Uriah or what's left of Uriah and avenge Christina.

I shakily get up from my bed and a nurse comes towards me and try's to push me back Into my bed.
"You can't go home yet" the nurse says

"I can't, I have to go, I..I can't stay here any longer"

"No, but your heart rate Is high and your'e still mentally and physically not ready to go, please" The nurse says while trying to stop me from going.

"I SAID NO" I push the nurse and walk through the hospital when a bunch of security guards come trying to get me back to bed but I push them them down and continue walking"

"FREEZE!!" the security guard yells

"I can't" I push him and that security goes falling down the stairs.

The second security guard grabs his tazer gun, points It towards me and pulls the trigger. I feel a sudden struck of electricity power through me and I knock my head amd fall to the floor.
Why do I always end up on the hospital floor?.

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