There's a dog in your heart, it tells you to tear everything apart

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Vance's body was hot to the touch, arms rippling with muscle. Sweat pooled in the contours of clavicle and collarbone, pooling and then dribbling down the toned, near-hairless flesh of his chest. Vance's eyes flashed, baby blue and fringed with long lashes, dark brows furrowed in concentration.

"Eyes on me, dumbass." He snarled, grasping the back of your neck. "Fuckin' hell, what did i tell you?"

"To look at you." you spat out the words with tongue, teeth and bitter frustration. He was such an annoyance, always wanting the attention.

Vance pinched the nape of your neck and rubbed the sore skin between his fingertips. "Huh? What was that?"

He always made you use his name, liked the sound of it rolling off your tongue.

"Vance! To look at you, Vance."

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and pulled it upwards, away from the grimace. His voice was husky, heavy with lust, and he swallowed hard.

"That's my girl." he said, pleased at last, pleasure shown when he released your flesh from his pinching fingers. "Good girl."

Vance caressed your cheek with the palm of his hand and pressed a soft kiss to the side of your mouth, then another directly on your mouth. It was a shock to the usual nips and bites, the desperation that clung to every touch, the hungry, almost hateful attack on flesh and hips and full lips. It was sweet - far sweeter than Vance had any right to - and it lasted longer than any of the other kisses. There was desperation in that kiss, the same way there always was, but there was no anger. Just longing, a little bit of lust. It was as though he had kissed you, just to kiss you, not to try anything else on.

His hips bucked a little, like he was hesitant to do anything other than kiss again, but your arms had begun to sting. Still bound behind your back, the leather of his belt cut into your flesh, he had forgotten about your pain. His tongue swept over your lower lip and you rolled your hips to meet his stuttering thrusts. Vance knotted his fingers in your hair and hissed, low and hoarse in the back of his throat.

Vance jerked his hips upwards, breathing heavily as he pulled you down, fingers digging into your hips to rock you back and forth, up and down on his dick. A shudder of pleasure went down his spine, shook him to the very core. You were sore, ass stinging from another cruel slap of his hand, arms bound behind your back, the indent of leather wrapped tight around your wrists. Vance had forgotten his promise of pleasure; he'd given you only pain.

"I wanna cu-" you stopped short of the demand as he thrust into you again, the tip of his dick bumping your cervix.

Vance swallowed hard. "Hmh, yeah?"

your face contorted with pain. "I wanna cum, Vance."

"Oh yeah?" Vance sneered, fucked up into you again, just so be nasty. "You know what to do." and as though to prove his point, to accentuate how tightly he had you wrapped around his finger, how you would have done anything he asked, anything he wanted, Vance leaned back and took his hands off of your hips, propped himself up with his elbows, smiled as he watched you ride him.

You stared at him, seething in silent anger, as Vance continued to smile. When you didn't make any attempt to move, he jerked his hips upwards and laughed when you jolted forwards, ungainly with arms tied behind your back.

"Go on." He said, impatient again. "I ain't got all day."

you huffed out an irritated sigh and pushed off on the balls of your feet, dropped down into his lap. Vance snickered at the sight of you sulking, forced to stubbornly get yourself off because he hadn't been kind enough to do it for you, the same way he always did.

"You're such an asshole." you spat, rolling your hips forward in a far smoother motion than before.

Vance flushed red. " you're a slut." He snarled, hot-tempered as ever, ready to throw a tantrum at the slightest insult. "Nasty slut. ridin' my dick, all tied up."

you rotated your hips, swiveling on his dick. "oh, yeah?"

Vance couldn't help the groan that escaped his lips. "Fuck, yes."

You grinned at the admission and he slapped your ass hard. You buckled forwards, gasping, grinding your clit against his pelvis as your thighs ached, burned so deliciously. Vance clenched his jaw, gritting his teeth together tight enough to crush 'em into powder. Vance's cock throbbed. Arousal pooled in the pit of your stomach and you came undone, slumped over. You caught the skin of his shoulder between your teeth and tore. Blood filled your mouth, the coppery tang tainted your tongue. Vance grunted, blowing air from his nostrils like a bull, as he stilled inside of you, hips slowly jerking, broad shoulders tensing.

"Fuckin' slut." He spat, bridling a little. "You sunk your teeth right into me."

"you deserved it." You said, nuzzling into his warmth. "Asshole."

Vance cupped your jaw between his thumb and forefinger, kissed you quick. It was a crush of teeth against chapped lips. He tasted his blood on your tongue. He tasted it and knew he had tainted you, made you whole and unholy all at once. Vance's face was flushed with the ferocity of his love-making, could one even call it that. His long dark lashes fanned over his cheeks and he swallowed, uncomfortable and awkward with the attention you bestowed upon him all at once.

"Gimme a second." he said, unbuckling the belt clasp and releasing your wrists. "C'mere."

You would have eternity to have him hold you. 

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