The truth of the matter is that i will never let you go : let me go

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A/N - This has dub-con elements and partly public sex! please don't read if you are uncomfortable with dubious-consent, violence, swearing or manhandling. have a nice day my lovies <3


Vance was busy playing pinball, head bent and shoulders squared. He had been ignoring you for ages, so engrossed in that stupid fucking game. God, you hated that game. you wanted to take a hammer to it. you wanted to set fire to it. you were supposed to be at home for seven, and it was nearing eight o'clock.

"Vance, i really gotta head home-"

"Give me five minutes, i'm busy right now." He said, cutting you off again.

you chewed on the end of the plastic straw and sipped at the dregs of a cherry slushie. You stared at Vance's back, eyebrow raised, and heaved a heavy sigh at the sight of him ignoring you once more. you slipped outside of the stop n' go to shove it in the trash, door swinging shut behind you.

you stood outside and watched the sunset, sky darkening to deep blue in the corners of the world. Vance never liked watching the sunset. He never had the patience for it. The only thing he had the patience for was that dumb fuckin' pinball game.

you folded your arms over your chest and sat down on the edge of the curb, feeling the cold shake you to the core, but unwilling to part with the scenery just yet.


you turned, narrowed your eyes because the light was blinding you. "yeah?"

"It's me." the boy came closer to you, a halo outlining his head. "eddie? We had chemistry together a few years back."

you could barely remember him, but it felt mean not to at least pretend.

"eddie, right! God, it's been forever."

Eddie grinned. "Totally!" '

the silence only lasted for a few seconds.

"So, are you still dating Pinball Vance?"

you snorted at the nickname. "People call him that?"

Eddie nodded, laughing. "People always  call him that."

The confirmation that your boyfriend was known as Pinball Vance made you chuckle again. God, it was stupid. The nick-name still sent you reeling. Pinball Vance sounded like pinball pants. Such a silly, childish nick-name for someone that had just turned 19. 

"So?" Eddie probed, inching closer, hands shoved into his pockets. "Do ya?"

"date him?" you asked, looking at eddie through your lashes. "Yep."

Eddie tried hard not to look dejected. He ran his fingers through his hair and cleared his throat. "Where is he?"

"Playing pinball." you said, and billy started sniggering.

"He sure loves that game." He said, shaking his head a bit.

you smiled at him. "sure does. loves it more than me."

Eddie pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket and offered you one. you'd never touched a cigarette - there was enough nicotine on Vance's lips to knock you back - but for some reason, when billy offered you the cancer stick and said he'd light it, you took it. you looked at the stick as he lit it, zippo lighter flickering. eddie raised his brow at you, as if he was amused by your reluctant.

"Go on." He said, smiling. "Ain't ever smoked before?"

"I smoke all the time." You snapped, flushed red in the face.

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