So You Know The True Me

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Emily's POV

After speaking to Harry I didn’t really know what to do. I just walked away, leaving him standing in the kitchen. I walked to my room and locked the door behind me. Standing in my room, I looked around it and sighed. I grabbed my bag and sat down on my bed searching for the one thing that could help my feelings right now. Opening my makeup bag and dumping the contents onto the bed I finally found the thing I swore to myself I would never touch again. Holding the razor in the palm of my hands I admired the way it looked, the sharpness. I picked it up in-between my fingers and sighed again, bringing it slowly to my left wrist. I pressed hard against my wrist, wincing a bit when I slowly slide it down. Shutting my eyes tight from the pain caused the tears that I was holding back to come flooding out. I pressed harder and brought the razor down fully across my wrist and opened my eyes to see the blood seeping out from the fresh cut. I brought the razor down a bit further and started another cut, feeling not only the blood flow out but the feelings from what harry said not even a half an hour ago. Realizing the blood has fallen onto my pants, I grab my nearest dirty shirt and held it against, wincing again as I feel the cloth come in contact with the cuts. I unlocked my door and ran to the bathroom, locking that door behind me. I threw my shirt in the hamper next to the door and turn the faucet on warm and run my wrist under it, watching the blood drain down the sink. I whimper softly as the water touches it.

“Fuck!” I winded, squeezing my eyes shut.

As the water continues to run over my cut there’s a knock on the bathroom door. My eyes shoot open and I turn the faucet off.

“Emily, can I talk to you?” Harry says

I just stand there, not saying a word. I wanted to say something but no words came out, NOTHING! I just continue to stand there, quiet as I hear Harrys footsteps walk away from the door. I let out a sigh as I grab some toilet paper and wrap it around my wrist.

“I guess that will have to do.” I say to myself as I turn around and open the door again. I make sure Harry’s gone and run to my room, repeating the say action of locking my door again. I just slid down the door and held my head in my hands and I let the rest of the tears flow from my eyes, ashamed of what I just did.


Harry’s POV

After walking to my room, I just laid on my bed thinking about what was said before.  How much of an asshole I was to her and what was said I didn’t mean any of. The truth was that I enjoyed sleeping with her the other night and watching her as she made breakfast. How I wish I could just take her in my arms and hold her forever. I finally get fed up with just laying here and thinking that I need to talk to her or all my feelings are going to explode. I get up from my bed as I hear footsteps run down the hall and hear a door slam shut. I was going to just go lay back down on my bed but something told me to at least try so I walked out of my room and to the bathroom door.

“Emily, can I talk to you?” I say as I knock on the door.

I just stand there as I hear the water shut off. I know she hears me but she doesn’t respond so I just walk back to my room, hoping to build the curage to try later.


Emily’s POV

After crying myself to sleep, I wake up in the exact place I was before. I look down at my wrist and see that some of the blood went through the toilet paper and onto my clothes so I throw the tissue away in my garbage. I stand up and walk over to my dresser and pull out a pair of sweat pants and my long sleeved t-shirt. If anyone was to see what I did, I’d think I die. After changing I grab my phone and open my door to hear that Anne is home. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen to see her making dinner and Harry sitting at the table on his phone.

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