Finally My Love!

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Emily's POV

I just continued to lie in my bed listening to the television down stairs talking about more rain coming. Hearing this made me cringe.

So about before, I didn't care what Kristen said, yes it hurt but it's not like people haven't said that to me before. I have definitely heard the whole virgin thing plenty of times. My whole school says it to me because it's full of whores who lost their virginity at like ten. I don't know maybe if I lost it it would make my whole life better but who would want to do that stuff to me. The only person to touch me anything close to that is Harry but right now because of Kristen who knows how he feels.

I just sighed and rolled off my bed to stand up. I walked over to my mirror and just stood there looking at my reflection. I lifted my shirt up to see my stomach and the cuts that brought up the past quicker than I could pick up the razor.

"I don't know Emily. It does relieve the pain. One side of my brain said

"but at the same time if Harry is to find more cuts I would feel bad because he might think he caused them." the other side said.

I went to look down at my wrist again but my eyes caught the stupid razor under my dresser. I leaned down and picked it up, holding it in the palm of my hand. It's almost like someone is asking me to "relive" my pain.

Continuing to look down at the razor I finally decided to do the best thing for me. I laid the razor back down on the dresser and lifted up my shirt again. I turned around and looked for more space to cut. Finally I decided to place the razor around my hip area and started to slide it along. I clenched my eyes tight and dug my teeth into my lip trying not to scream.

Finally after successfully getting through the first cut I looked in the mirror and saw the trickle of blood down my skin. I sighed again and started beginning the next cut.


After finishing the third and final cut I grabbed my towel and held it tight to the cuts. I sat back down on my bed and grabbed my phone.  I unlocked it and saw I had a text from Harry.

"Come down at 6:30.”

I looked at my clock and saw it was 6:10. I had twenty minutes to hide these cuts. I pulled the towel away and saw the first cut had stopped but not the second and third. I grabbed two band aids from my bag, unwrapped them and quickly put them on. I pulled my shirt back and then changed into some skinny jeans, fed up with the whole sloppy look. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and put on some light makeup to attempt to hide my ugliness.

I grabbed my phone again, slid it into my back pocket and walked out of my room. As I made my way down the stairs it was getting dark outside and all the lights were off in the house.

"Harry?" I asked but there was no response.

I walked further into the living room and saw faint light coming out from under the kitchen door. I walked over to it and opened it slowly to see candles light all around the kitchen.

I just smiled softly and continued to look around to see the table set with two plates and roses.

"Do you like it?" Harry said walking over to me with a smile.

"This is for me?"

Harry nodded and took my hand in his. "I felt bad about what Kristen said and about everything that has happened to you in the past couple days so I wanted to make you dinner."

He pulled me over to the kitchen table, pulled my chair out and when I sat he pushed me back in, close to the table.

"Tonight's choice of food is Mac n' cheese considering I’m not the best cook." Harry said walking over to the stove to grab the two bowls and bringing them back to the table. He placed one bowl in front of me and the other across from me. He sat down across from me and poured himself some soda in his cup and mine.

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