Snuggle Buddy

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"No! No please stop!" I screamed as i was dragged into the girls locker room by my arm.

Being only 5'1 sucks ass. The people in my grade are taller then me and push me around.

The reason I'm getting this "punishment" now is because I pushed my chair out to far from my lunch table and caused someone to trip. When i turned around it was Savannah Miller.

Savannah is a beautiful, thin, bright blue eyed, blonde whore. When ever i pass her in the hall way the only thing that comes to mind is Harry. They have been dating for the past month, well i wouldn't even say "they". Whenever i see him in the hall with her she's always attached to him. He looks like he hates her but is only in it because he is being forced by his group of friends. Poor Harry.

Anyways! After tripping her i was dragged away into the girls locker room and thrown down onto the floor.

Looking up, i saw Savannah standing over me with her two "friends" along with her.

"Oh Emily. You should have watched what your fat ass was doing." She said looking down at me with her hands on her hips.

"Im sorry. Please it won't happen ever again." I whinned hopefully pursuading her to let me go.

"Oh i know it wont happen ever again!"

I saw as he lifted her foot off the ground and collided with my side causing pain to shoot through my body. She continued to kick my sides repededly as one of her friends ripped my shirt and the other pulled my hair.

The pain was unbarable that i didnt even realize i was crying until i tasted the salt.

Finally Savannah stopped and leaned down to me. She grabbed me by my hair and lifted my head off the ground.

"And i see the way you look at Harry. He would NEVER want a disgusting thing like you. Touch him and I will kill you."

Thinking she was done and going to leave, she lifted my head further off the ground and smashed it onto the cement floor.


Before my head could fully impact the floor i sprange out of bed, breathing hard and covered in sweat. Lifting my shirt up I gasped seeing the bright purple and blue brusies all along my ribs.

Blinking a couple of times, it made the memories from yesterday come back and made me realize that i was just having a nightmare.

Looking to my right i saw Harry sleeping away. He looked so cute and perfect. I know he won't admit it but i know I'm stopping him from having fun with his friends. They hate me and I hate them. I should be the bigger person and suck it up for Harry but it's not something to think about at......2 o'clock in the morning.

I look down at Harry again to make sure he is sleeping before sliding out from under the blanket. I grab my phone and walk out my bedroom door.

~Harry's POV~

I just finished having the perfect dream. It was about Emily and I. We were walking along the beach and I was singing to her. I couldn't recall the song cause all I heard was humming but after singing I pulled out this ring and proposed to her right there and then.

Now I'm not saying that thats foreshadowing anything but I do love her.

She knows that I love her, well hopefully but I do love her. With all my heart.

Hopefully my dream will be reality soon but right now I'm perfectly happy just having her sleeping next to me.

Speaking of sleeping.

I open my eyes fully and notice I no longer have my beautiful girlfriend next to me.

I spring up out of bed in a panic and look around the room.


"Emily?" I call out.

Opening the door I hear rattling going on down in the kitchen. I turn around and look at the clock on the bed side table.

2:13 AM.

What is she doing up?

I walk down the steps and check the front door.

"It's not an intruder. No intruder locks the door behind them. And everything is as we left it before falling asleep. "

I push the door open to the kitchen and smile. I see Emily leaning against the counter with a steaming cup of tea in her hands in her favorite spongebob square pants mug.

My poor love. She's looks drained. The incident from Kristen really shook her up. I have to talk to my mom when she gets home about all this. Emily will be mad at me but I need to help her.

"Hey love." I whisper as I walk over to her.

Emily looks up at me and smiles softly.

"You alright? Why are you down here alone?" I ask her as i wrap my arms around her petite waist.

"I just couldn't sleep."

"You alright now?"

I softly let my hands slid up her shirt and gently rub my sides. She winces softly but then relaxes under my touch.

"Yeah. Sorry to wake you up. You can go back to bed if you want. Ill come up in a couple of minutes."

I shook my head and smiled. "Nope. Wherever you go, I go."

Emily smiled which made me smile wider. That smile just lights up my world. She's the greatest thing to ever come into my life.

Leaning up, I kissed her temple and took her hand in mine.

"Come on snuggle buddy."

I watched as she laid her cup in the sink and followed me back upstairs.


So I know it's short but I needed to get something up considering I have not uploaded in like a month and I thought I would make a short cute and sad chapter.

Should Harry tell his mom?

Should Emily tell Harry about her dream?

Is Emily's bruises getting worse or better?

I hope you guys like it.

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Love you guys <3

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