Thinking Of You

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Pulling my phone out of my bag, I open it to text Cassandra.

To: Cassie

Hey Cas. Guess who has a date with Starbucks boy tomorrow? :]

I waited till the phone said sent before slipping back into my bag and walking to the front door.

Opening inside I saw Anne on the couch with Gemma, watching what looked like the news.

"Hey guys." I said,shutting the door behind me.

"Hello sweety." Anne said as she smiled at me. Gemma just waved at me as she was so engrossed in her text message.

Walking up the stairs I felt my phone vibrate but didn't pick it up. Its probably Cassandra.

All my nerves came rushing back when I realized I had to walk past Harry's room to get to mine.

"Please don't come out! Please don't." I repeated to myself in my head as I got closer to my room.

I wrapped my hand around the handle when I heard a creak noise of another door. Turning around on my heels, I see Harry's perfect torso. Luckily he has the towel wrapped around his waist or we would have a hot problem!

He looks up at me and I see a small sparkle in his eyes but he's still sporting a frown.

"Hey." Harry whispers as he walks past me, brushing against my shoulder.

There goes those chills again!

"Taking a shower? It's only 6:30." I say as I open my door.

"Yeah." Is all he mutters as the bathroom door is closed behind him.

I'm a bit taken back by his answer. In the two weeks we really didnt talk much. We actually hardly saw each other. I was busy recovering and Harry...actually I never saw him home. Just at dinner but he didn't say much.

I push my thoughts about Harry aside and closed the door behind me. Laying my purse on my bed, I reach inside and grabbed my phone. Turning it on I notice a text from an unknown number.

From: 296-9634

Hey. It Mason :)

Ahhhh! It's him.

After adding his number to my phone, I text him back.

To: Mason (Starbucks Boy)

Hey! Glad you got home okay.

After sending the message I feel my phone vibrate again in my hand.

From: Cassie

You sneaky little whore.

I chuckle a little from her response before beginning to type.

To: Cassie

Haha. Relax. We are probably doing something small like movies I don't know.

Falling back onto my bed I smile at the thought of our date. Basically my first date,besides what Harry did for me in his kitchen.

I break out of my thoughts as my phone starts to vibrate again.


Well remember protection. I heard he's got a Big D!!!!

My mouth falls open due to her comment. 

To: Cassie

SHUT UP! We are no where near that. Believe me.

Great! Now I can't stop thinking about his size.

Looking down at my phone I see another text.

From: Mason (Starbucks Boy)

Thanks love :) but I'm going to go to sleep now anyways. I'm beat and I have work at 7 tomorrow. I'm excited for our date :) Night Emily!

I smile at just the way he is. I know I rushed into this to soon after Harry but no one is stopping me. I can make my own decisions.

As I begin to text him back I hear a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I say as I sit up, cross legged on my bed.

Can't forget to text him back!!

The door opens wider and I see Harry dressed in his Super Mario Brothers pajama pants.

That was a quick shower but he looks so darn cute! No shirt on of course and curly hair still wet. I think this boy is trying to kill me.

"What's up Harry?"

I watch as he shuts the door behind him and stands there leaning against it.

"Can we talk?"

My nerves begin to come back at full speed along with my heart beat increasing.

"Sure. Come sit." I respond, padding the space on the bed next to me which he occupies seconds later.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask but I fully know what he wants to talk about. I just wanted to make sure.

"Us." Harry says.


"About how you kind of forgot about me. You said you needed a break and after a couple of days you would come talk to me. Well Emily it's been 2 weeks and we haven't really talked." I saw the vein in his neck come alive as he rose his voice. He wasn't yelling but I could sense the pain and sorrow in his voice. "Do you realize I miss you. I miss being in bed with you, I miss getting to wake up and see you smile at me. But what I miss the most is getting to call you mine. Emily I lov..."

"Harry it's your turn to do the dishes. Get your ass down here."

I just sat there for a second not saying a word. I was taken back by what he said. At the same time Im glad Gemma called him down. I didn't know what I was going to tell me.

Harry let out a sigh and got up from my bed. He walked out the door before my brain could fully understand all that he just laid out on the table.

I love Harry I truly do. I know if I told someone that they would just be like "oh you don't know what love is" but with Harry I think I do.

Looking down at my phone i realized I never texted Mason back.

To: Mason (Starbucks Boy)

Yeah I'm excited too! See you tomorrow. Night :)

I know I'm probably a bitch. But one date, that's all I'm doing.

Looking through my contacts I needed someone who I could trust to talk to. That could help me with what I should do.

Hitting her numbering I held the phone to my ear.

"Hey Gemma. Could you come up here a second?"

"Sure be right there."

Not even a minute rolled by before my bedroom door swung open.

"What's up? What's going on in the life of Emily Sullivan?"

I smiled a little when she closed the door behind me and sat down on my bed. Im in for some much needed girl talk.


"And that's my problem. I wanna go on a date with Mason but I love Harry. Gemma I need help!" I whine after explaining basically my whole life to this girl.

"Harry's done some crazy shit I see."


I whine again as I fall back onto my bed. Looking over at my clock I see it's currently 7:45 pm. I need my head clear by tonight or I'll never go to sleep.

"Ok relax Emily. How about you just go on your date? I'll distract Harry tomorrow night till you get back. I wont tell him where you are. If he asks ill tell him that you are out with a friend. But you need to promise me that when you get back you need to have made up your mind. Either you tell Harry you have no feelings for him and are going to date Mason or you dump Mason and go for Harry."

Sitting up again I realize I finally agreed with someone on something. It feels like a cloud has been lifted away from my thoughts.

Leaning over to Gemma, I engulf her in the biggest hug I could.

"Thank you!" I whisper.

I hear her giggle lightly before hugging me back.

"Your welcome."

Pulling back,I smile wide. I never realized how good it was to talk to someone. Especially another girl. I would have had Cassandra but we drifted apart when my life went down hill. My mom was never home so I couldn't talk to her. And I has no sisters to talk too. It felt good.

"If you ever need to talk I'm always here. I'm going away to college in half a month but I'm always by my phone."

I nodded my head as I watched her leave my side.

"Hey gemma?"

She turned around on her heels and looked down at me.

"If you were in my place, what would you do?"

"Hmm. Well I wouldn't date my brother" I rolled my eyes at her supposed comment. "I would go with the boy that I think will always be there for me. The one that at the end of the night even his words leaves my stomach in a flutter. The one boy that in my heart,is special."

And with that, Gemma left me with my thoughts.




Maybe this date was a mistake.

So here's chapter 16!!!! I hope you guy like it. I have ALOT planned for the next couple chapters. I hope you guys enjoy reading. Comment and vote xoxo :]

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