Meeting Ludwig

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Another late night shift at the diner... but it was finally over! Your coworker, Ryleah, begged you to take it for her and you told her you would but only if she took yours tomorrow. It was pitch black outside as you drove home. It really sucked how out of the way everything was here. No streetlights, no bars, not even a good doctor's office. You thought briefly about moving to the city... Nah, couldn't afford it.

Suddenly your fuel indicator light came on with a few annoying beeps. It was definitely taunting you and your low paychecks. A groan espaced you as there was only one gas station from here to your house. Well, now wasn't the time to be picky.

Pulling into a pump and going through the thousand and one questions it asks, you were able to get it going. You pulled out your cigarettes and a lighter from your car's glove box. It wasn't often you smoked but sometimes on nights that were really, truly atrocious, you'd find yourself with one. You walked away from the pump and next to the front doors of the store to sit on the curb for obvious reasons. The thought of the drunken sleezy guys at two o'clock in the morning made you want to quit on the spot. Your eyes moved to your car and it's surrounding area.

You took a drag from your cigarette as you watched the pump. There were two other cars in the parking lot, one had to belong the the worker. Wonder who's the other one was. The doors beside you opened with the chime of a bell. Speak of the devil.

He had a white button down with a red tie and beige vest over it. And dress pants and shoes. His hair was even combed back in an inky wave.
Where was this guy going and/or coming from? He caught you staring at him making you jump only slightly. His eyes were the iciest shade of blue you'd ever seen before.

"Pardon me, Frau but you probably shouldn't be smoking. It'z not good for you." He gave a surprisingly gentle smile as he pushed his glasses up with one hand and neatly tucked both hands behind him. Wow, it surprised you a bit to hear a German accent out here. The only time you ever heard German was in high school when you had to take a foreign language class. German seemed like the most fun. Everyone in that class was known as the "weird kids".

"It's not all the time. So don't worry about it." You really tried to ignore him by this point as you waved a dismissive hand.

"I'm just vorried about your health iz all?" He almost seemed to question himself.

"What, are you a Doctor or something?" You rolled your eyes.

"Actually, I-" You heard the ka-thunk of your pump finishing and cut him off.

"Hey, it's been fun buuut I gotta get going and I'm sure you do to. It's late and I've got work again tomorrow." You smashed out the end of a barely smoked cigarette on the concrete next to you and threw it in the sand bucket. You got up and began walking to your car.

"Vell, just be safe, (Y/n)!" The man called out as you were almost there.

A shiver flew down your spine. How did he know your name? It was freaky enough he just talked to you out of the blue. People don't do that around here. He definitely wasn't from around though so maybe he just didn't realize how weird it was.

You didn't bother to respond as you just got in your car and drove off. Unaware of the man in slicked back hair cursing himself for his choice in words.


At home you were able to finally relax. The days troubles blurred as you changed out of your work apron. Oh. Your name badge had been on there this whole time. That must've been how that man was able to know your name. Maybe he wasn't so bad? Just a little awkward at the least.

You turned the TV on as you fell asleep just for the noise. There was a striking variety of three whole channels. News, news (that sometimes played movies), and infomercials. It didn't take long to drift off to sleep.

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