Volksfest (Part Two)

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Author's Note: 

So... Frohe Weihnachten! I meant to post this thing days and days ago. It just kept going. This is turning into a whole ass novel somehow. I just wanted some medic fanfic lmao... Anyways, enjoy! And Merry Christmas! I figured today would be worth posting.

Now The Story

You sat on your porch swing, kicking off every now and again at a gentle pace. The trees were all sorts of reds and yellows, some even starting to shed their leaves. A swirl of wind knocked a few off and they danced around before hitting the ground. Closing your eyes and drawing a deep breath, you thought of Ludwig. He let you know it would only be 16 minutes until he would arrive. You set a timer on your phone just to be funny.

...Until your timer rang and you opened your eyes. Ludwig's car was pulling into your driveway. Son of a bitch.

He pulled to a stop and almost immediately got out. Adjusting the cuffs of his button down underneath a dark brown coat as he looked around a bit timidly before spotting you. You slowly came to a stop on your porch swing, staring back for what felt like way too long before snapping out of it and jumping up to meet Ludwig.

"You look great! Sorry, was in my own little world for a second." You chuckled nervously, attempting to get rid of the awkward atmosphere you created.

"Nein, Ich würde lügen, wenn ich sagen würde-" (No, I would be lying if I said-) He paused and cleared his throat. "That is vhat I should be saying, meine Schatz. You look wonderful." He gestured a hand towards the car door as he waltzed over and opened it for you. The biggest smile plastered on his face. "Shall ve?" You took him up on the offer and settled yourself into the passenger seat. The tan interior was immaculately clean. It was almost as if this was a second surgical office or something and he had to keep a sterile environment. The thought made you laugh.

Ludwig soon entered the car. "Is somezhing funny? Despite vhat you might think, I haff a good sense of humor." As he put the car into reverse, he placed his hand behind the headrest of your seat. You were surprised by the muscles you could see in his arm. His shirt fit just well enough to make you have... Just a few select thoughts. He looked towards the back window before shifting his eyes to you for an answer. His eyes perring down at you above the rims of his glasses."(Y/n)? Are you feeling okay?" He slowly brought the car to a stop and placed the back of his hand on your forehead sliding down to your cheek.

"Just fine! I'm doing just fine, Dr. Ludwig." You kind of blurted out nervously. He was relishing in the fact he was eliciting this reaction from you.

"If you say so, leibchen." He smirked victoriously to himself. "It's Josef, by the way. You may call me Josef." This made you smile and calm your nerves.

The tension faded after a couple miles. You gestured here and there to let him know which turns to take. A comfortable silence fell between the two of you. Almost too soon, you arrived at the grassy lot. Someone in a high visibility vest guided you as to where to park. You could already see most of the festivities from the car window. Lights were strung pole to pole, illuminating the walkways. The booths were bright, inviting you to come try your hand in a more than likely rigged game of "chance".

"Alright, time to go!" In the time you reached for the door, Josef reached for your hand.

"Ah, pardon me, Frau." He quickly retracted his hand. "I haff something that I need you to know." A knot formed in the pit of your stomach. What did he need to tell you now of all times? "I um..." He looked down and back up to you sheepishly. "I'm actually very nervous." You let out a breath of relief and began to laugh.

"Oh jeez! I could've swore you were going to tell me you were the maniac or something crazy!" You settled a little. "It's alright. I'm a little nervous too. I actually haven't been to this festival since I was a child." You tried your best to give a reassuring smile but Josef seemed off still. "Here, how about we start off with a couple beers? We are adults after all." Soon after exiting the vehicle, the two of your were able to locate the stand selling drinks.

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