The Park

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You went back to the dining area where Josef was waiting for you.

"Sorry, that took so long. I haven't seen him in a while since Ryleah had been the one coming in for the deliveries." You sat down beside him at the bar. It didn't seem to him like you were in as high of spirits as you had been earlier.

"Is everything alright, liebchen?" He seemed worried but you only responded with a sigh.

"Yeah, for the most part. Just a little worried about some stuff. You don't have to worry about any of it though, it's really not that big of a deal." A part of you wanted to go home but knowing that Sam had been lurking about when you didn't even know made your stomach turn. It was only a matter of time until he found out where you worked. That was, if he didn't know already. Josef began to rub his hand in small circles on your back, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"If you need me to take you home, I can-" Quickly, you cut him off.

"No! I mean- I told you we would hang out after I was done here." You formed a weak smile. "We can go wherever you'd like." Josef thought for a second before his face lit up.

"I think I haff an idea." He was happy to see your face brighten, even if ever so slightly.

Not much later, you were back in Josef's car. You weren't quite familiar with the area he was driving but he kept his eyes fixated on the road ahead. His eyebrows began to lower and he seemed angry. Was it something I did? It was almost starting to freak you out a bit. You noticed his knuckles had turned white from his grip on the steering wheel.

"Hey, Josef?" You were hesitant about interrupting his focus. You started to rethink everything after your talk with Dell. Sam started out nice too... Josef jolted slightly, but relaxed.

"Entschuldigung. (Apology) I must haff spaced out." Josef breathed deeply. "I suppose I haff had a few things on my mind as well." You understood and didn't want to push him to tell you. Everybody has skeletons in their closet; some more than others. You decided just to look out the window. The trees blurred past as you still had no idea where he was taking you. He could just be planning on murdering me or something. That's not very nice to think. He hasn't been anything but kind. You had to learn how to trust people again and maybe he would be a good friend. "Ah! We're here!" You jumped slightly at the sudden voice that pulled you out of your thoughts. 

Looking around, you found yourself at a small park on the outskirts of Redland. It was a bit of a drive but there wasn't really anything in your small town of Sulpher Springs. There was a fairly large pond that was surrounded by a walking trail that branched out into the nearby woods. There seemed to be no one else but the two of you here. Luckily it was really very pretty this time of year as the leaves scattered around the ground in various shades of orange and red; very few still clinging on to the branches. A small playground set was placed off the side not far from the pond.

"I haven't been here in a long time." You began to reminisce about the times you came here when you were younger. "Most of the older kids would come out here and smoke either cigarettes or pot in the wooded area way over there. I actually joined them a couple of times." You gestured off into the woods before remembering that that had been the first time you met Sam. Your hand fell to your side, and you became rather quiet. 

"Vould you like to take a walk with me?" Josef gave you an almost shy smile as he held out his hand. It seemed as though he was trying to replace your regretful memories with new ones without even realizing it.

"I would actually very much like to."  You placed your hand in his as he guided you to one of the branching trails.

Most of the leaves were crisp and dry this time of the year. You were able to listen to the crunching under your feet with each step as you made your way further into the woods.

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